Mailbag: Crazy week in Cougar Land. When does hoops season begin?

Q: What is causing the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome? They looked good in the first half, they look bad in second. Why? — @DaMecca

A: Great question. Short answer: nobody knows. Coaches that spoke this week say it’s baffling how poorly the Cougars have played after halftime, especially in the third quarter, on both sides of the ball. Here is what Holgorsen had to say: “We’re 0-for-4 on third quarters. Every quarter has been bad. We’ve got to do better.” He added the team may look to change up the routine coming out of the locker room at the break. “Maybe start the second half with 100 up-downs,” he joked. “I don’t know. We’re searching. We recognize it’s a problem.” I’ll have more on the topic in Saturday’s Chronicle.