Match Up?

So which team is the better match up for UofH, OSU or Iowa St.? Need to know whom to root for, or against.

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Not overly concerned about either but think our quickness would be too much for Ohio State

They each have a scoring big guy we would have trouble slowing down but we match up size wise with the rest of Ohio State’s team. So I think there is a better chance that Ohio State’s Kaleb Wilson goes off for 25 points and we still win double digits. If we have trouble slowing down Iowa State’s Marial Shayok, we will need an at Cincy type performance to advance.

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If Iowa State loses we’ll have a more partisan crowd Sunday. Lot of Cyclone fans in Tulsa.


How long would Brady last against Ohio State big (BIG) man Wesson?

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2 minutes lol


Doesn’t really matter. Between Brady, Gresham, Harris and even Broodo, plenty of expendable bodies to throw at just a single big man. Can let him score 25 points and shut down the rest of the team.


I guess im going with a wrestling GIF theme tonight. Hey, it fits here just like on the other thread. I think this represents the Coog mindset…


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iowa state is a better matchup but ohio state might be the easier win

on the basic level:
iowa state…all guards, rely on the 3. small big…suspect defesne
ohio state …super tall, quality big

but on deeper level: iow state brougt everyone in their family to the game, itll be an a away game…iowa state is inconstant, but when they are hot they can beat anyone in the nation with a jarron cumberland type player (big guard)
their next game could be a “hot” game

ohio state won 1 of their last 5 games…their big is a force but get him in foul trouble, the back up not as good…not a good shooting team either, they are also sloppy…and have not beaten anyone as good as us all season


How is there not a game thread for this game on this board?

Kaleb Wesson is gigantic.

it is Ohio State

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OHSU sloppiness is what I took away from this game. So many bad, lazy passes. Our guards live in the passing lanes so I expect them to eat. Glad we don’t have to deal with that ISU crowd. Given the nerves and pressure to advance and haunting memories from last year, a hostile crowd could’ve made things extra difficult/stressful. I think we’ll prove too pesky and tenacious for the buckeyes.


I like this matchup.


I was really hoping for Ohio State and not Iowa State. The crowd and Iowa state speed and outside shooting worried me. If we can get Ohio state having to run to stay up with us. I think we are too quick for them.


Wesson will be a tough matchup, but Shayock would have been as well. Given Iowa State’s fans that made it to Tulsa and given that Iowa State is the better team, I’m glad we drew Ohio State. It will be a tough game though.


They will all be miserably tough games.

I hope my prediction was true…that Ga.St was our worst game of the tourney.


This team IS NOT super tall.
They have one guy who is physical and skilled at 6’9 270 but he is also not an above the rim player.
Outside of him they have no size.

We match up just fine with this team and him. We have 3 really good defensive centers and White if we need or want to go small.


White had a hell of a game. 14 points and 11 rebounds.

That’s gnarly work under the bright lights.


the buckeyes are talented but sloppy, especially their big man kaleb wesson…he is listed at 6-9 270, but his real weight is over 300, and he moves like a much smaller man…if he has a good game, watch out…when he stays out of foul trouble and his shot is on, few teams can beat OSU…wesson can be a real offensive force…but he commits a lot of fouls…I expect CKS to rotate fresh bigs in against Wesson…try to get him in foul trouble…once he fears the fouls, he plays tentatively…you have to get him in foul trouble real quick…once he starts playing tentatively, the OSU talent cannot overcome their sloppy play and the whole team goes downhill fast…

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