Memphis hires Marshall defensive coordinator Adam Fuller

Great hire in my opinion. Someone I was hoping the Coogs at least looked at. The path to win the AAC West will get tougher.

Kudos to Norvell and staff for locking down Fuller.

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Crickets on Cullen…

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Applewhite will promote Carrell despite the bowl game performance because we were decimated by injuries.


Not for long.

Do u know something or just throwing BS out there??

I would imagine we will great something by Monday, Tuesday at the latest

They have to say something eventually.

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They’re just chilling. :slight_smile:

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Has Applewhite been evaluated? If not then why hire coordinators?



Memphis will win the west for the third year row next year.

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Sat in front row of bowl game and was unimpressed with Carrell. He reminded me of Chris Scelfo as he literally just stood and watched.

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