Monday blues Presser 11/20


can someone make a compilation of CDH coughing and clearing throat moments?


Good Grief!!
That could take up several pages and require at least 3 cups of starbucks to make a dent!


I’ve thought about it and then I tried to think about something I would care less about. Couldn’t come up with anything.

i watched the press conference and took an Allegra afterwards as a precautionary measure.

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You folks that can listen to those media q&a’s have my utmost respect. I can’t imagine sitting through more than a minute or two of his nonsense.


Well. He’s still here.

Sounds like he got a good handle on things cough cough clear throat swallow some phlegm. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don’t think we should make fun of him coughing and clearing his throat. There might be something wrong with his health…


Sounded okay to me. At least he takes the questions and isn’t too evasive. UCF is solid.

CDH PCs seem better than Applewhite’s and Sumlin’s. I liked Herman’s the most.

Dave Aranda isn’t inspiring.

I don’t typically listen to these. The press is scared to ask direct questions and the coaches just deflect and scamper away. You’re left with a hodge-podge of platitudes and heady nonsense. All coaches should have to do their pressers drunk. That way we’d find out what’s really going on.


I listened. Now my day is ruined!


I thought the same thing. Don’t like him as a coach, but I hope he is okay.
This has been all season and not getting better. Really, I hope he sees a doctor just as a precautionary measure.


I, truly, can’t stand to watch his pressers. I just can’t do it.

100% agree. These questions sound like the soviet journalists press core asking lenin if he enjoyed his poached eggs this morning.


Dana mentioned that they’ll be super busy the month with “recruiting and transfer discussions”. Can he convince our talent to stay here? Can he convince other talent to transfer here? Seems like this will be the most important month ever for Dana’s future.

I listened to his press conference and noticed that, too…He better be able to land some notable recruits in December or it will be another black mark against him…

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So accurate. To me the press guys asking Dana questions remind me of funeral home staff meeting with grieving patrons who just lost a loved one.

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It will be interesting which UH players hit the transfer portal. Some will transfer based on their discussion with the coaching staff and where they fit on the depth chart. This is one time when CDH’s honesty and bluntness is needed. Other transfers will seek greener pastures elsewhere, which is their choice. Some transfers will be targets of bigger programs dangling NIL dollars as incentive. These are the ones I worry about.

I don’t worry one bit about individual players leaving because I don’t think there are any that can elevate this team to .500.

And the kids that are going to lead us to the B12 conference championship under the new coach are probably in the 7th grade right now.