My job is to play competitive football

That comment after the game floored me. No coach your 4.0 million is payment for a job that the expectation is to win. Your job is to win.

Then he threw the assistant coaches under the bus by saying “I don’t sub in the defensive lineman”

I have never seen a more sad pathetic weasel in my life. Never takes responsibility, throws people under the bus.

We have had coaches that I didn’t like them as coaches but generally liked them as people. We have even had a coach who I liked him as a coach and didn’t necessarily like him as a person in Kevin Sumlin. But we have never had a coach I couldn’t stand until now.


Your job is to find a way to WIN.

Yes, he’s had a few “barely wins” which could but you need to progress towards dominance


He is a walking, breathing, day drinking, bad hair-do having, excuse making model of incompetence


He usually says one or two things in a presser that make one scratch his head. Just another good example. Unfathomable that he would say this.

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Yeah and he followed up the comment by saying “that was a competitive game.”

Like we are supposed to be ok with the loss.

He can’t ever take responsibility. He never sucks as a coach, it is either the conference is too hard, no money for recruiting, the assistant coach’s mistakes, the players (I can’t coach this sh!t)……

He is awful, just awful.

I am embarrassed that he is our coach.


Was it a competitive game against a 8-3 ranked team? You have to understand the context of the comment. He isn’t talking about being competitive to a bad team. You guys see/ hear what you want to see or hear.

I see one of the worst recruiting rankings in the country and the worst in the conference.


You act as if recruiting rankings actually match the production on the field. Yes, there are 50-100 NFL kids each year that are no brainers. Logan Hall and Patrick Paul are two NFL players that were not 4-5 star kids.

What is it about tying Rice two years in a row, getting walloped by Tulsa, being awful at recruiting, having an average finish of 4th in the AAC, giving up 77 points to a bad SMU team, being the 13th ranked team defense in the B12, getting beaten at home by a 2-7 Cincinnati, losing fans by the thousands, and having a 53% win percentage at Houston that I am not seeing?


Whoa, come on. He probably doesn’t have his first drink until leaving campus right at 5 p.m.

Technically, CDH is correct, but in front of the media, he has to accept ultimate responsibility. This has been CDH’s MO throughout his career. Hard to attract quality assistants when you know your head coach will throw you under the bus time and again and he has no ability to convey the buck stops with him.


Guys, he didn’t understand why they were shuttling in linemen. That’s not something that a head coach goes over with his staff. I fully expect him to sit down Belk tomorrow and ask him what scheme he’s running. He’ll get to the bottom of it.


A preposterous statement. $4 million just to be competitive?

Obvious that our Management team at UH has not established meaningful goals and objectives.


He’s always rushing to get out of the post game news conference. Drinking as much water as possible in between questions. Unfortunately, comes across as a used car salesman. Just can’t see him being able to recruit very well and the results show it.

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This statement is the same to anyone who has a job telling their employer, “My job is to work.” Ummm, yeah.

Stop insulting used car salesmen!


A Good HC can overcome poor recruiting but a Bad HC can’t…example…the current mediocre, dud HC we’re stuck with

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I’d say your vision is 20/20…

Imagine Saban something as asinine as that.

"Well guys, we tried and it was competitive. Mission accomplished "


We came, we saw, we kicked some dirt.