New Pitching Coach

What are you even talking about?

What a stupid thing to say. You don’t know anything about the new hire and have not bothered to look….you don’t know anything about baseball, let alone college ball or you would not have made the statement.

If you don’t have anything to bring to the discussion then STFU.


Promoting Tyler B. would have been bettter….At least he has started to build inroads with coaches.


Who are you even?
I don’t even know who you are nor do I give a crap….please put me on ignore….you offer nothing of substance….

And rogue comments while offering nothing else are what make boards unreadable….

If someone wants to call me out because I have a dumb post then by all means do so, I have no problem with that….but when someone does not even frequent this board comes over and makes a stupid remark while adding nothing or knowing nothing then yes I’ll say something.

I would never dream of going on a board where people that follow the team and have followed the team for years are discussing something and make a stupid comment with no worth….why? What’s the point?

Read the freakin room….everyone here is pissed and everyone here has a good understanding of what is happening….we are invested….if we want to be pissed off by a lazy, out of touch AD we will.

Your post is uninformed and lazy….nobody need you to come rescue them hero….


It appears this thread is for arseholes only.

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You’re fitting in




Anyone who is paying attention to the program (it’s a small group) knows that it is in the dumpster, has been for a while, and doesn’t show indications of getting out. The previous pitching coach was run off for poor performance, and he was replaced by a guy whose history shows that he’s probably worse.

Is it “whining” to point that out? Of course not. Whining is complaining about passionate fans pointing out obvious shortcomings. Whining is whimpering that everyone is being too mean.

These are legitimate concerns over the apparent lack of interest in rectifying the program. It’s OK not to care, but don’t come try to proselytize us to join in the apathy.


While pitching coach change when the main problem is the head coach? Is the admin still not convinced the head coach is no good after 10 years of terribleness and mediocrity?


Don’t bring this kind of common sense to the football board.

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I really wish I could disagree with this but when you’re right you’re right.

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His pitching corps had some years they performed very well, but the last three definitely had some injury issues that are concerning. That said - that could easily be a conditioning issue.

Where did you find the information on the injuries? Not saying you are wrong, I just haven’t seen it.

Arm injuries are never a “conditioning issue.”

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Tyler was not a pitcher nor does he work with the pitchers. He was not a viable candidate.

Yeah, that was my point….that’s how bad of a hire I consider it to be.

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I was finding as much information on him as I could….seeing if he had any connections to Texas whatsoever…I came across something that said either two in a row or two of three years there were multiple arm injuries…
I don’t remember what exact article it was…but it was actually trying to play it off as an excuse as to why the pitching was so bad rather than why are there so many arm injuries….I would have to hunt for the exact link.

Not sure any pitching coach hire would have passed this group’s smell test. Let’s see how he does, can’t blame the guy too much if he has no arms to work with.

That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve seen written on here. Yes. Yes, they can be.
If you only condition your body to be able to pitch 30 pitches at a time and you throw 100… you are way more likely to be injured. if you don’t condition your rotator cuff properly… you get injured. If your body is out of balance because you over-conditioned one side compared to another… you get injured.

FYI I still pitch to this day. And in Ammy ball sometimes you pitch when you aren’t supposed to because no one else can make it. I started three games in five days earlier this year. Didn’t get injured. Wanna know why? One big reason is my conditioning.

Isn’t it part of his job to go get those arms?

Personally, I would have been happy for them to hire someone with local ties and a record of developing pitchers at any level. There are some fantastic coaches at the D2, D3 and NAIA levels who would be great. Not that picky.


Thanks for your know it all attitude. I will come to you before I speak of any arm injuries again.

Nobody at this level is pitching 100 pitches when they are only conditioned for 30. This isn’t your Dad’s men’s league. Could kids get hurt because they are not conditioned? Absolutely, but nobody from Houston hurt their arms last year because they were not conditioned!