New University of Austin

I never felt like I had propaganda coming at me when I was at UH and I was a good bit more right wing in college. I would have been happy to call it out.

That’s my point, the idea that all public universities do is indoctrinate students to leftist politics is not entirely true. While obviously some universities have more of it than others, it is still up to the individual students to decide what they believe.


Now think about the following:
An 18yrs old that has no clues whatsoever about what socialism or communism takes a pol-sci class.
Is he/she/gender neutral susceptible to what the teacher/professor teaches?
It is a simple yes or no answer.
here I am in a pol-sci class, The teacher/professor goes on about how great socialism is. I wait. Ten, twenty minutes go by. No one is asking questions. I raised my hand and start asking questions about why socialism is so great. The teacher/professor is befuddled. How could a student, any student question him?
I asked more questions. At that time students are looking at me. Every chance I got I questioned him.
I did not fit the narrative. I got a good grade but he was clearly pissed. I invited the students to question what is being taught to them. This is exactly why we go to school. Learn different point of views.
Would a teacher/professor let me do that today? What do you think?

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I never experienced any of that at UH or ever heard anyone say they did. Nothing even close.

I had no problem questioning things as I mentioned. I took ethics, philosophy, cultural psychology, government, and other classes that opened the door to controversial discussions. The conversations were always great and fair with multiple professors. Never felt one inch of indoctrination.

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My point exactly. If you do not know how would you know?

If it’s a PoliSci 1301 class then I guarantee you that the only ones who care about an in depth discussion on the merits of socialism are polisci majors. Everyone else doesn’t care and just wants the credit for their degree plan. Not that deep.


He’s asking if you were born yesterday and today are taking a polisci class how would you know that socialism = boogeyman?

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He also gave his example which seems pretty far fetched. I guess stuff like that happens from time to time but it’s so far from the norm.

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I never had a teacher pushing socialism as good. However I’ve also never had any issue with disagreeing with a teacher. I didn’t once feel that any professor was trying to supplant their opinion. Either in the 90s when I first started not anytime I finished my degree in 2012.

The polisci classes I took had to do with US and Texas government. So socialism wasn’t really discussed.

No history professor tried to teach anything leftist either.

Now if I was a history or poli sci major, I would expect more discussions on topics like communism in the upper level courses.

The closest I can think of as to what might be considered leftist was the globalization courses I took. History of Globalization, Economics of Globalization and one other I forget what it was called. But again I didn’t have any professor pushing a particular point of view.

Also you’re describing a class where most of the students seem to be too complacent to ask questions. You try to encourage them but they just sit on their thumbs. If there was resistance from the professor to anyone questioning, that would be different. It isn’t just in college where people believe what they are told without question. It happens in places of worship, social organizations, family groups, and absolutely on social media. Yet you feel it is only public universities that indoctrinate.

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I took those too in business school (or something like it - international business classes). Globalization was pushed from all sides until very recently (other than guys like Ross Perot).

That’s what I remember too. I think we mostly talked about US govt and economics?

You have mentioned on several occasions on this board about your adventures
in political science classes at UH. Since this was 30 years ago (?) which
professor are you referring to ? These were the large classes in the Agnes Arnold Hall
auditoriums correct ?

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I went before this happened

So it was only recently that tenured professors went to leftist indoctrination? When was the shift? And when did this ever happen at UH?

Anyone have actual experience of any of this happening?

Can or does this happen at some schools? Yes. Is it that is all what public schools are? Nope.

I’m sure a similar argument could be made about private religious schools being right wing indoctrination centers or Christian fundamentalist indoctrination centers. However, that would be painting all these schools with the same brush. I know that isn’t true of every school.

When did you go? 92010 claims it was happening in the 80s.

It wasn’t happening in the 2000s.

The same time CRT started being taught at schools.

Can’t recall if I was brainwashed, which may be a indicator I was. :thinking:

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The 21st Century is staging yet another assault on medievalism with crazy concepts like equal rights for all people and freedom of conscience. If only the serfs would stay in line and not question the wisdom of the patriarchy, things would be just fine. Blame it all on a well-funded and organized putsch as exemplified by The Loyal Order of Leftist Indoctrinators which have taken over American universities. :wink: