No Guts

Nahhh he just has a shtick… it’s only if you take him seriously that it’s a problem… he just says what everyone is thinking in the heat of the moment and then throws gasoline on it to make it extra spicy.


Silence would actually be fine.

But if you spoke some of that debbie downer nonsense at the game (while I was trying to enjoy a close game, and within ear shot of me…and you are supposedly a Coog fan) I think I would have to put in some ear plugs or wish I would have sat elsewhere or stayed home. Just sayin’!

I do commend you though for facing it here so you could eat your own crow you cooked up - but my humble request is for you to be better going forward. :wink:


Pearland at least don’t come back and say it’s method to his madness or some garbo like that. Pearland owns Pearland


I actually used to be waaay worse… I said alot of dumb things about Sampson earlier on… then I learned…

Then facing the possible reality of continuing the trend of exiting another round earlier than the the year before caused a very cringe relapse… I’m trying ok lol.

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Well let me explain… so my method involves me saying stupid stuff hoping that I’ll be proven wrong… or trying to will the opposite into existence… but also it serves as a coping mechanism for the possible disappointment. Unfortunately I occasionally get “too” carried away sometimes… but I fully own that… just uhh don’t take anything I say in game threads seriously…

Like I said earlier I fully welcome any roasts of my cringe comments I totally deserve it. But I also get a kick out the more creative ones.

Who cares! Just enjoy the f’n win.

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Call out those clowns.

I knew the board was going to get silly so I stayed off. Lol game was nerve wracking enough without reading a thousand Pearland posts.


After seeing your comment in the game thread, I feel you should be banned. Maybe that will help you cope with your difficult moments during a game. Really, for your own good.


No Guts, NO GLORY!

Lol they were not THAT bad…

I second that.

Glad I wasn’t one of those people.

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I would like to formally complain about those complaining about the complainers that complained about coach and the players.


Lol! I want to complain about the complainers complaining about the ones complaining about the coach not being creative with their complaints against those complaining about the coach.

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Jokes on you I’m not athletic enough for sports.

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That’s because there was more action going on at MD Anderson than at the Hoff. Especially in the upper stacks!

If anyone has been on Coogfans long enough, every one of our coaches get backlash one way or another in close games or losses.

No matter how good or bad they are and no matter the sport lol.

I’m just as guilty as I have criticized Sumlin, Penders, Dickey, Levine, Herman, Applewhite, Sampson, and Hologersen.

I have always though the gameday thread should open at tipoff and autodelete at the final whistle.

I won’t even log on to Coogfans within 2-3 days of a football loss.