No matter the uniform or opponent, UH always looking good

These Cougars, ranked ninth in the country, won’t get outhustled, but they will not get outcoached either.

We give so much love to their grit and grind, the Cougars’ precision and efficiency have become background singers.

Sampson likes it that way, and it will pay dividends come NCAA Tournament time.

UH can win ugly. If it must.

But there is beauty in how the Cougars attack. The pace, the balance, the attention to detail. Defense isn’t the only reason they have shot better from the field than all but four opponents this season.

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Houston Cougar basketball is the best sports team in the city except for the Astros. The fact that Cougar Basketball and Houston Astros baseball have seasons that begin when one ends and end when one begins makes it the perfect pairing of excellence.

I don’t think our football program will ever be more popular than the NFL team in town. But the Cougar basketball can be more popular than the Rockets.


if the coogs go all the way the final they will have out performed the 18 stros…

Yes but not the 17 Stros and potentially the 19 Stros.

The cool thing about having a college basketball program that is elite, is it fills a sports calendar gap between the end of the NFL season and the beginning of baseball season. The NBA doesn’t get really compelling until playoff time. Football recruiting is anti-climatic now with the early signing period.

The Coogs own the sports page for February and March.

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Personally, I have no use for any PRO sports.


Me too. College sports GO. Pro sports NO.


I hear you, but I have a love affair with baseball and the Astros. I like the Rockets. The Texans…just haven’t generated any feelings in me at all (positive or negative).


Now that the Chronicle has “discovered” Houston Cougar basketball, and can be thought of as “woke”, it is interesting how our game against USF gets a whole half of page 3 of the Sunday sports section, complete with photo and box score, while the Chronicle’s telling about UT’s latest loss gets five puny paragraphs on page 10 under the heading “Area”. (Yep, under “Area” is where reports of UH games used to appear, along with HBU, Lamar, and PVAMU.)

Yet, according to the Chronicle, UH still can’t sell out the Ferttita Center. - We never do! Even though we regularly have attendance of about 7,100 for our home basketball games now, the Chronicle insists on showing the Fertitta Center’s seating capacity as 8,479. Well, it was 8,479 when it was Hofheinz Pavilion.

But, the Chronical has bigger problems than just getting simple facts like how many seats there are available in the Fertitta center right. There is the issue of who will they get to replace Jerome Soloman. I don’t expect El Roacho Grande to be around much longer as I can tell it is killing him to have to write entirely positive stories about the University of Houston. It is simply against his nature to not write something crappy about UH just to tinkle on our parade. I expect him to drown in his own bile, if the Cougars keep on winning. - And, when he does, we won’t miss him at all.


You still subscribe to the Houston Chronicle?


The Comical is dead to me! If they write positive articles about the Cougars for the next ten years, it will not make up for their past attacks of us and their support of the whorns and gaggies. They can drop dead, with my compliments, as far as I am concerned. When - and that is the right word, not “if,” - they go belly up, I hope the UH band shows up at their front door and plays “Happy Days Are Here Again”!


I heard Solomon on afternoon sports talk during the week. He absolutely was raving about UH basketball, saying it was regaining the place it deserved

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The Chronicle has turned into a flaming torch of liberalism (which I personally find quite disturbing). The price for its home delivery just went up. It will never utter a bad word about UT-Austin (which I also find quite disturbing). And, yes, its treatment of UH has been historically HORRIBLE and a disservice to the entire City of Houston.

But, like the guy who owns the Patriots, we all have something to hide. So, I will confess: Yes, I still have a subscription to the Houston Chronicle. - My dog and I read it together in the morning. We both react to it in same manner. - As a laxative.

The Roach, Jenny Screech, and Brian Turd Smith all are drive-by shooters as far as UH is concerned. If they ever do say something nice about the Cougars, you can file it under “Faint Praise” while waiting for their next hit piece.


The reason I don’t like Solomon as a sports columnist in Houston, is his attention is based on how many others are already paying attention first. If Houston was having the exact same season but was seeing no national or local love, Solomon would not be talking about what Houston deserves. He writes based on the size of the audience and not the worthiness of the news.

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Hummmmm…Never thought of that …a Laxative…AND Toilet Paper !!!

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Please do not bring politics into the sports areas. We want these forums to be as enjoyable as possible. Thanks!

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I’m just wondering how you know this since you aren’t a Chron subscriber ?

Some sage once said that if you don’t read the newspaper you are uniformed, and if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.

Or how about Thomas Jefferson who wrote or said, “nothing can be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of the misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.”

And then this jewel from Jefferson, “the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is closer to the truth than those whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”

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