No one scares me

If we have our offense running, no one scares me in this bracket. On our top of our offense is not humming I am not worried until Kentucky.

And I feel we are good enough to not…


The only one that scares me is us. Like the last 1.5 games offensively.


Agreed. If we play to our best ability and make our shots, I like our chances against anyone on this path of the bracket.

Way to go Clark Kellogg. Has Coogs going to Final Four!!


He has been a big believer in us. Seem like he was waiting to say Houston to the Final Four all show long…

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Respect everyone…fear no one…whether we win one game or six in this next run I am proud of this bunch!


Ian, please tell me that’s not your license plate.

I pretty much agree with you. I think we can beat any of those teams, including Kentucky, which will be loaded with elite players but may not adjust well to having a pride of Cougars pouncing on practically every move they make. But Sweet Sixteen is my goal, not that I’m not hoping for more.


He could be an I.T. professional and a Coog.

But, yes it sends a bad message.

We have recently made “Coogit” to something positve…coogit is something positive now.

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It is my old license plate.

I’m down for the cougars losing sunday to iowa state. I just happened to catch some of their play in the tourney, don’t think UH gets past them; but I may be wrong; I am a natural pessimist.

As it was when we won the Game of the Century, defeated Michigan State, captured the SWC championship in ‘76 (+78, 79, & 84), when we beat Louisville in the Final Four, Nebraska in the Cotton Bowl, Texas in ‘78 in front of the biggest crowd to see an event in a Texas, when we upset Florida State in the Peach Bowl, when we produced the Olympic athlete of the century, won 16 national championships in golf, and on and on. It’s all about perspective. And every school loses tough games, especially schools with as few resources as we’ve had. The fact that we even got to where we were involved in big games (how many were Tulsa, Tulane, SMU, Tech, Baylor, etc. involved in compared to our historic athletic feats?) and won our share of them is a testament to what we have accomplished in athletics.


We are so awesome that we have our own classification for when we are not so awesome!We were not so awesome today(not gunna say it though):grinning:

I get you, but I was referring to the term “Coogit”

Sure. I wasn’t knocking your post at all. I can’t begin to fathom how a UH fan could use that term, but that’s me, and obviously some younger fans do. With that being the case you have about as good a response as I could think of.


Self-deprecation is the highest form of confidence. If you can poke fun at yourself then it means nothing when others do it.

I fear having a thin skin much more.

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I think that maybe what is happening here is that teams are starting to figure out the coogs and figure how they are vulnerable…there is now enough film to watch that gives the opponents a way to figure out the coogs…


Hurley had as much film as anyone and lost by 40. What film did mick obtain in a week and a half?

Lets be honest. When you go up against Mick Cronin you’re facing one of the best in the game. If you play him enough times he’ll find a way to beat you.

There’s no shame to losing against his squad. That’s what playing in a good conference is like.


Honestly, this is what kept me going from like 97-04ish with football and 96 til now with basketball.

Over too many years, some fans have made COOGIT as an expression of UH sports futility, and yet suddenly it has become the new POSITIVE mantra?

I’m not buying.