No one will be fired

I was speaking with a member of the media and we both think that he makes a change a couple of weeks into next season. He’ll give the coordinator the offseason to improve and then when they get 40+ hung on them a few times to start the season, he’ll pull the trigger. This is the most vanilla applewhite way to go.

Then they will be able to give free tickets to homeless people next year !!


I always go to the media when I want inside information, both for sports and politics . . . . . but then again, sometimes, I check with actors, actresses and talk show hosts . . . . .


Just a guy that is passionate about the coogs. I can see it playing out. Total applewhite kind of thing to do.

If that happens, he and D’Onofrio get released at the same time… …


completely disagree, who here would have thought he would get a good OC last season?

i think coach D would stay if there wasn’t pressure or fans…but there is

applewhite knows the fans have abandoned the program and coach D is a major reason why, he knew he was controversial when he hired him

ill be 100% shocked if coach D is back…from the business end alone…
he makes a splash DC hire, everyone here is overhyping/overselling next year as something great…a close loss to Oklahoma and we’d still b happy …and call it progress

keep coach d and its luke warm coming in, and loss to Oklahoma even in a close one and our stadium is empty and all signs pointing to Applewhite getting fired


Black pill reality harsh

I totally agree.

I agree… bad business decision to wait until next year. I would have no interest in renewing season tickets if coach D is not fired at least after the bowl game, preferably sooner.


I’ve seen the way the media votes for the top 25 and covers the G5. Might as well have said you talked to a waitress from Hooters about Applewhite’s future.


“G5” is BS so sick of that

Fire all. Hire kliff and gibbs, keep briles.


Khator’s words…

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If that’s the case then WSU will score 80+ on us.

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Because we all know how close you are to CMA. It’s hard not to say what I really think of your post. I rather not hear from the Admin. I’m sure you have all the right answers maybe you can share them with CMA and help him out! #Brutal

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Yeah right. D’Onofrio will be gone by Monday.


Jared commercial is horrible

In this context, it’s a lot quicker and less confusing than saying “teams in conferences that don’t get automatic NY6 bowl invites unless it has the highest ranked conference champion among those conferences.”

It’s just a BS arbitrary ESPN category and it pisses me off


My guess without the benefit of the traffic gal/dude at Fox or the young ladies at Hooters or Twin Peaks …

The DC and his inept assoc’s had better be gone before the bowl game

If Opie procrastinates then our prez may just keep her word… cleaning the defensive coaches house has been dragging anchor for 2 years running and after this years season ending debacle our patience has not only worn thin … IT NO LONGER EXIST!!