Nuclear Event in Ancient India

Sounds as if nuclear bomb may have been done in the distance past. Read about this possibility of this, a few decades back. With the avent of the internet it can be shared
The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent.

“A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe…An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor…it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race… The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white… After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river.”

Robert Oppenheimer father of our atomic bomb when asked about use of the atomic bomb quoted this

Video speaking of this conflict and the scientific evidence possibly supporting this theory.

Pick it up at 24:42-31:57 don’t want to watch the whole video. Urge you to watch the whole video when you have the time. It’ll get you to thinking.

There has been scientific literature of naturally occurring fission reactors forming, but I was unaware of this story from Pakistan/India of 12,000 years ago. Would like to see other scientific
studies of these claims.

It’s controversial like UAP’s like the existence of Atlantis or Lemuria, or the pyramids being much older than what we are being told. The evidence does point to something highly unusual took place in Old India Yes, I’ve read about the so called natural fission reactors of 1.2 billion yrs ago in Africa.some years back. Some say it’s natural fission while some scientists say that’s poppycock and impossible for nature to do this. Being explained in simplistic manner some scientists feel, contrary to physics as some scientists, seem to theorize and understand nuclear physics. It’s a great mystery…

Yes, but unlike UAPs there is something there to study and measure, There is , or should be,
lots of physical evidence in old India of 12,000 years ago. Why this isnt studied or reported more,
raises my suspicions. As far the ancient texts, curious, but not proof I’m looking for,. Ever read the
Eric von Daniken books…Ancient Astronauts or something like that ? I remembering reading them as a kid , and being initially excited, but then…reality sets in.

Indian archaeologist shows there civilization goes back to 8000 b.c. at least. Personally think it goes back further evidence yet to be found.

That’s cool article and would put them at the front of the line in terms of
human civilizations. Noticed this was a story from 2016 article. I’ll wait for
the boards anthropologist for other insights about this.

The skeptic in my wonders how widely accepted these conclusions are. Is this
a story to develop a tourist industry in that area or just some Indian researches
seeking more funding ?

But cool article and thanks for posting it.

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Going back to the Oppenheimer video clip, if that is not
result of some manipulation by someone to support their narrative, that is a very surprising thing for him to say.

Absolutely! It was done by ancient aliens!!

No doubt. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary

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Civilization run in cycles. Mayans, Indians other ancient civilizations understood this. What was once before will be again.some evidence is right in front of their eyes , they suspend belief because it goes contrary to what they hold to be true. That’s my opinion on it. The mega structures off the coast of Japan and India underwater. The structure of Gobeki Tempe. It’s all there. They meaning archaeologist had to accept it as being 10-12 thousands yrs old. After initially saying it wasn’t…

Sometimes, ancient things thought to be fictitious turn out to be true based on archaeological evidence.

Examples: Ancient Troy, the Hittites

But ancient nuclear reactors?


Just no.

It’s Gebeke Tepe and it’s in southeastern Turkey. After spending a year in Turkey and later visiting New Grange in Ireland, I believe it’s probable that human activity has been on this earth far longer than we’re aware. Also, I believe it’s likely that civilizations at least as advanced as ours have existed before being destroyed for whatever reason. There’s too much evidence in massive stone works that there is much more in human history that we’re aware of. After taking Bart Ehrman’s on-line course, “In the Beginning,” and also after reading “Gilgamesh,” I no longer believe the Western (i.e. Judaic/Christian/Muslem) version of history.

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Why would aliens nuke an agrarian civilization? Sure, probably some builder societies cropped up here and there, but no evidence for an industrial or technologically sophisticated civilization exists. No artifacts requiring metallurgy or electronics. It’s fun to believe cool stories and many people have incomes dependent on selling these stories as fact.

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Who said anything about aliens? If we’re talking about civilizations 100k’s of years old and the possibility of meteorite strikes or nuclear explosions (whatever the origin), plus proof of various ice ages, it’s conceivable that very little of what you mention in metallurgy or electronics would exist. If any did exist, it could possibly be buried deep in the earth in places that haven’t been excavated. Archaeology and anthropology are such new sciences (relatively speaking) that I don’t believe we’ve begun to learn the human story. We do have evidence of massive stone works that defy our understanding of how they could have been created. To answer your question of “why would aliens nuke an agrarian civilization?”, I repeat, who said it was aliens? Look at today. Why the hell would a human being threaten to use nuclear weapons against other human beings? Because we’re still learning (badly, in my opinion) to be civilized and live together.

Conventional thought would think previous civilization would develop technology as we have. That would be natural for some to think so. Thinking we are the pinnacle of human civilization based on technological achievements. It’s civilizational ego. Even the Bible said before the great flood ( just about every civilization or people have some great flood story that took place) man was full of evil thoughts and therefore God was sorry he created man and destroyed him. Except Noah and his family. :thinking: What’s the Bible speaking of? Who’s not to say our previous ancestors developed different type of technologies, based on science we have not discovered or fully understand yet. There are a lot of things on earth just don’t fit the neat little narrative that’s being told to the majority of the public. The academian who spoke out were ridiculed and thought as being heretics in the new Priestly class of science. But there are those who are not afraid to challenge the paradigm that’s being pushed with a different paradigm. When you really listen to them and do your own research it gives one pause for serious consideration. Avi Loeb Harvard Scientist head of the astrophysics Dept said that Oumauama object passed through our solar system was acting to strangely to be a natural phenomenon therefore made by intelligent beings. Picked up speed as it passed through our space out into the cosmos. President’s don’t listen to science nuts when it comes to astrophysics after the phenomenon occured.

In June 2020, Loeb was sworn in as a member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) at the White House.

Abraham “Avi” Loeb is an Israeli-American theoretical physicist who works on astrophysics and cosmology. Loeb is the Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard University. Wikipedia

No artifacts. Zip, zero, nada. None. It’s fun to believe in something out of the mainstream and this one does nobody any harm.

Gotta go with Coogjazz on this one.

NO archaeological evidence to support the existence of a prior nuclear armed or nano-tech civilization on Earth.


I love skeptic’s the old crusty thinking. Never got humanity anywhere and those who challenged the curreent belief paradigm/dogma… Why I love guys like this, remember him? No problem being a skeptic. We need those so they can be proven wrong. Drag you along kicking and screaming. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Galileo was found “vehemently suspect of heresy”, namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture.

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Yeah, one would think they would have left a few geostationary satellites or something at the Lagrange Points …or maybe a moon base or two. Very inconsiderate of them.

Yes your right it was, I have to talk to them about that.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: