Oklahoma Series

Foam cougar paws. I have about seventy of those. Maybe I should do a promotion.


“Hammered to right” beauty of a homerun

9-1 in the top of 5th.

No need to ask who has 9.

So far…5 IP 9 H 9 R 6 BB and 2 WP

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Why do we even torture ourselves following or keeping up with these games, we are so bad, will be a total embarrassment in the Big 12, I think I’m not even gonna check scores or even look at our record the rest of the year, wake me up when we have a coaching change


This did not age well…

The pitching. It looks like throwing batting practice as its coming out of their hands.
UH pitchers need a safety net these days.

These days you can bring in a whole new team.
Under old transfer rules it would be grim.

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Most of us were certainly concerned with pitching going into this season especially when Whitting took so dang long picking his starters.
Serious question, do we have a D1 pitcher on the roster?
This whole mess is really embarrassing. A team like OU should be a big draw, but…
However there will be plenty of Agys in the park next week lol

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Gave up 13 hits

Gave up 13 runs

Walked 9 batters and hit another.

Where are all the people that said CTW deserved another year after last year?

How about the folks that told us how great recruiting was? Lol

Most of the regular posters were not fooled by the word salad coach speak.

And as Butch said, when you don’t know who all your weekend starters are the week before it’s not a good sign….and I have seen absolutely zero player development.


This is now my fourth season in a row wanting to say bye to Todd. I truly don’t know what it takes to get a new coach.


End of a contract

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Oh this season will do it, lol, we will be lucky to win 10-20 games this year, he will be let go after this debacle against this piss poor schedule

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Big 12 baseball is going to be rough.

Next year yes.

But as long as we have a completely new staff that is competent it won’t be horrible….there are guys that can come in, do what they do and we will have more success against Big -12 competition then we currently are against this weak schedule.

You’d have 63 left over if you limited it to one per fan.


Why a new staff wasn’t brought in to give them a chance to prepare for B12 is mind boggling. I hope Pez is blowing Sean Allen phone up to come straighten this mess out.

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Pretty sure it was about money…

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Yes Sir no doubt that was a big factor. As others have stated this schedule was setup to get a decent enough record to justify a new contract/extension…that ship has sailed


May be a no go on the field goal 91’

UH vs. OU so far


Meanwhile we have TWO hits.

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