One and Done in the NIT

See you next year good night!!!

LOL ::pathetic::

I normally love Kelvin Sampson, but in my mind it was a fireable offense to leave Kyle Meyer on the floor late in that game. He was absolutely worthless trying to guard Johnson. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but I’m very glad he’s graduating. We have to be able to find better bigs.

The problem I have with you, is that you seem to ready to celebrate and post when we lose. It must be horrible to sit next to you at games. If you ever go that is.


I know he’s really improved the team, but 1-5 in conference and NIT tournaments with most losses vs lower seeded teams?


Terrible. Plain and simple.

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Watch out you will be ridiculed. I am sure a Sampson homer can bring up the facilities and no coach wanting to come here as an excuse for these first round exits. We just gave Akron their 3 post season win since 2006.

The team just did not look like it was ready to play tonight. Kyle tried his best but no way he could handle their monster. Robinson probably had the worst game he has had in his UH career. The Akron guards were very quick and all over him the entire contest.
And then we just didn’t get it done at crunch time. Three missed free throws and blown layups sends a very good Akron team to the next round.
Where was Chicken tonight? I doubt he would have done much but having a spare big body would have helped…
Bottom line is we once again finish losing in our conference opener and then losing an NIT opener.
Hoping we get some help in the middle next year or it may be more of the same.
As far as playing at TSU I can’t see us drawing many folks next year, especially if tonight’s crowd was any indication.
I would rather play at some of the bigger high school venues, or even Rice, if available…

How many do we have in that span ??

I really have trouble understanding why people automatically assume we are better than the other team.

We ain’t got the players. CKS main job is to get the players and then coach them up. If in the next 2 years he cannot put together a COMPLETE team, then we have to be serious about the future !!

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No wonder fans don’t show up to games; or lose interest just when you think the basketball team is going to turn the corner.

I know is the players who must executed the game plan, but it’s the coach who gets the blame whether is right or wrong.

I’m going to stick to watching old phi slama jama games.

Akron has now won 27 games, and maybe a decent crowd tonight gets the team over the hump. But bottom line is that Akron deserved to win…and we move on, hoping we have better bigs next year and possibly a point guard who can shoot…personally I think we will be better next year, but that is not something anyone wants to hear on this board…

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Most of the roster, ARE his players with the exception of Chicken. He’s had 3 classes to recruit, and has brought some jucos to contribute quickly. The results are just not there. We can continue to turn the blind eye, and make excuses until you try to convince yourself.

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Everytime we lose one of these games it’s justified by stating why the other team should have won. “We have been bad for so long nobody wants to play for us” " they had a 6’9 290 pound dude and we don’t". Their coach got fired at halftime and so they were really motivated". These are just excuses. If you wait for the stars to align and we get the prefect mix of big men and super good point guards to complement awesome facilities and a filled arena to start winning these games. It will never happen. There are plenty of teams still playing in the nit or ncaa in worse situations then the one Sampson is in and they are winning and we are not.

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The problem with your optimism is that if the team doesn’t meet those hopes, you will still defend the results. So looking forward to quotes from you like “we will have a new arena and better attendance next year” 12 months from now.

For me, I’ll be a little more realistic. If none of the coaching staff changes, then we will be lucky to be .500. No home court will be the biggest reason. The excuses however will be a combination of players leaving early, not making the grade, getting suspended or injured. Because one of those happens every season if not more and it’s treated like our team is the only team that goes through it every year.

Not only did our big men not improve the last couple of years but Chicken digressed. I don’t picture our staff doing any better with juco transfers and a high school kid that reminds me of Chicken.

Who else do we have to guard their big center----nobody!! I do believe come with a hard double and make someone else beat us and if they hit the shots so be it. Yes we do need bigs and Sampson knows this.

SMU went undefeated at a facility with around 3000 capacity across town in Garland when Moody was being renovated. No excuses.

And coach Doh had a 42% win percent overall and 13-19 his last season. And attendance, 2k. Was our situation significantly worse than theirs?

Anyone know why we didn’t at least try a zone collapsing on the big man to deny him the ball. We could not guard him one on one as the refs allowed him to walk and elbow is way to easy layups on our skinny bigs.


What happen to Chicken Knowles ?! That guy was loyal when Thomas, House & Izundu bail on UH. Dude was all over campus if there was a UH sporting event going on supporting the school.

Does someone know how many top 25 victories Sampson has compared to Penders. I think Penders had more in his first 3 years. Penders worse regular season was his magnificent job he did in the conference tournament when UH won it.

It just feels we’re treading water. For the minority who disagree, it’s time to take off your red rosary glasses.

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They would have killed us with 3s if we went zone. Akron’s offense is built inside-out. Good team that’s won 20+ games over the last 12 seasons.

They executed late and we didn’t.

While most point at Meyer and Robinson, I think Gray and Van Beck were our weak areas last night. Van Beck looked lost on defense and committed a few silly fouls and turnovers. Gray had a good game overall, but made a few drives and would dump to Meyer (including with 27 seconds left). You got to go in strong and try to draw the foul. You know Meyer’s limitations; you cannot give it to him in those situations. Elvin mentioned it over and over last night that if you’re a scorer, you got to try to score. Gray struggled with that last night even with the amount of points he scored.

I do question sitting Chicken. He’s our best defender and should have been given time. Makes me think something happened there or maybe his injuries are just too much to get him in there.

Still, I have no worries about CKS going forward. I think those that do have valid opinions though and they should be voiced. Still, this team has made leaps and bounds and I expect another 20 win season next year and hopefully a tournament berth as this team will be the deepest we’ve had since Penders.

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That was weird. Meyer played the best defense of his life in the first half. He kept 23 out of the paint, blocked a shot, and knocked the ball away a couple of times. CKS brought Nkali in, and 23 immediately scored on consecutive possessions. Then Meyer went back in and shut 23 down again. You’ll notice that CKS never had to bring the double-team in the first half.

In fact, I told my buddy at halftime that Meyer found the one guy in D-1 that was slower than he was.

Then in the second half, Meyer must have remembered he was Kyle Meyer. He stopped doing what he had been doing, and let 23 pitch a damned tent in the lane. When 23 started getting whatever he wanted, CKS had to start bringing double-teams, which left their shooters open for killer 3 after killer 3.

Oh well.