OT: 16 Floors Student Apartments Coming Soon - A look at housing at UH

Obligatory construction photos (Credit to hindesky on HAIF )

With this 211.19 ft, 16-story tower (12 residential floors and 4 parking floors) with an apartment size range of 496 square feet - 1,985 square feet quickly rising. It makes me wonder what the future of UH’s near neighborhood presence will be. How many more apartments/beds will be constructed? Will there be an increased retail and restaurant presence in the area? Will I ever go to that Wingstop across Scott st? Only the passing of time will answer these questions, but it’s worthwhile to speculate.

Personally the collection of lots north of UH seems like a prime candidate for something akin to a UH village. We already have a decent amount of student-centered housing going up in that area, why not make it more of a residential neighborhood? There could be student housing apartments like this one, but there could also be du-plexes, tri-plexes, all-the-plexes, and even townhomes for students to rent out. I could even see UH eventually expanding the campus that way.


Damn - that’s a lot of folks gone -

But it’s odd if TSU attempts the same across Scott there’s significant pushback - I would love to know the backroom dealings on how residential property is acquired and the compensation level of the displaced as you hear no pushback

In the last 20 years we’ve seen homes and businesses on Scott and MLK razed for church parking lots, high rise dorms, etc.

TSU has no money compared to UH. We are building multiple buildings that cost 2-3x their total endowment.

UH complains about having no money compared to the puf schools… but TSU is worse off.

UH has a bit more money to throw around


In the case of The Haven on Elgin, they bought that down and out church. They realized that UH keeps growing.

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about 5 years ago we were thinking of purchasing a lot in that area. At the time a small vacant lot was around $50k. Recently the same size lot has an asking price of around $200k. Real estate has gone up everywhere but not 4 times the price like it has near UH


It’s a good sign that the land around UH is valuable and going up.


too bad not enough alumni stay inside the loop near UH…oh well

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Will these dorms be fire proof? Just in case a student wants to set them on fire, because he can.


I think it is better that alums live far away. Every point on Earth.

They don’t need to live on top of the joint.


TSU has $150+ million ready to spend on 3 buildings as I type - issue is acquiring the land as they own alot off Alabama but the issue in the room is would they take ownership of Cuney Homes and demolish it as that’s the chunk which could change things

Imagine the pushback from the community if that comes to the forefront? They won’t get a free pass for displacing a minority housing project UH would get when it comes to public perception

What UH bought was rent houses - but lets try for the federal housing project?

it would help fill up the stadium tho and help create that college neighborhood feel this board is always asking for, 3rd ward and 2nd ward

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This would be like the controversy over Allen Parkway Village back in the day, except I imagine the outcry would be 10x as loud, with all the social media and online news outlets we have today. Back in the APV controversy you had “letters to the editor” at the Chronicle, and Marvin Zindler.

And rightfully so. Cuney Homes provides affordable housing in an area where it’s rapidly disappearing.

Been here 20 years. I don’t know if I qualify as “near” UH, but at least relatively close. I walked home from UH a couple weeks ago, 3.5 miles down Scott Street.

UH isn’t exactly my hood, but easy to get there.


Here is the final rendering of the 16 floors Haven at Elgin student housing. This is what’s actually being built.


Jesus that’s… nice nice… now they just need to build like 10-15 more of them in that same vicinity and make a nice park in the middle.

As a side note… can we get rid of the mcDonald’s and put something worthwhile there as well


I didn’t realize there will be a pool deck above the garage.
Great additions for the campus and students.


Used to be one of the better looking McDs. I don’t mind it as much as the trash lots and fences around it.

Looks good. In previous renderings I thought there was some type of facade
around the parking garage to take that raw edge look off. Guess that got dropped
to save a few dollars ?

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I’d be surprised if they didn’t.

Pool on the garage , that will be awesome

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