OT: Cougar history/devotional book

Guys, just wanted to share this here and get any advice you might have.

For awhile now, I’ve been working on a book of “devotionals for Cougar sports fans.” It would essentially be short stories of UH athletic history that illustrate biblical ideas. I’ll include an example below.

Three questions for you:

  1. Do you think there will be any interest in this?

  2. My working title is “True He’ll Ever Be: Devotions for Houston Cougar fans.” Whaddya think? Any copyright issues you can foresee?

  3. I have self-published several books through Amazon. I don’t make any real money out of it, but it enables me to share my thoughts. Has anyone here ever dealt with an actual publisher, and if so, what might I do to get my work in front of them?

I realize this is absolutely not everyone’s jam. So thanks for the patience here. and thanks for any thoughts you have.

Here’s a sample:

A Star is Born

Heading into the 1965 season, the Cougars had won a total of four games over the previous two years. The fans were hungry for hope. Fortunately, hope was on the way in the form of sophomore running back Warren McVea. “Mac the Knife” was already the talk of Texas, and not just because he was the first black player for a major Texas program. His recruitment had made huge statewide news. In his first game on UH’s freshman team (Freshmen weren’t eligible to play varsity in those days), McVea took off on a 55-yard run that was the stuff of legend. Film showed that nine different Air Force defenders got a hand on him on a zig-zagging run to the end zone. Sports Illustrated even wrote about it, the first time a freshman college athlete had been featured in that illustrious magazine.

The Cougar program decided to stoke interest in the team in preseason 1965 in an innovative way. They scheduled three of their four Spring scrimmage games away from home: March 20 in Galveston, March 27 in San Antonio, and April 9 in Edinburg. The idea was to show off their star, and it worked. In San Antonio, McVea’s hometown, the Cougars were the lead story in the local newspapers. They played the scrimmage in a high school stadium that seated between 8-10,000 people, and had fans standing on the track surrounding the field, for lack of space in the stands. (Jacobus, p. 164)

God has a similar strategy. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus said, You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it give light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven. You and I are the “stars” He wants to show off, as evidence of how He can transform a person. But this only works if we truly let the Spirit of God do His transforming work in our lives. Are you doing the kind of good works that cause people to give glory to God?


Would imagine Job would be a goldmine

Maybe a dose of Ecclesiastes chasing the wind


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Spreading God’s message and planting seeds in any form is never a wasted effort.


You need to speak with Eat Em Up, of course he’s 98 but still has the memory of an elephant.

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Ecclesiastes and Job have helped prepare me to be a Cougar fan, for sure. :sweat_smile:


Great idea. I’ll buy it.

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Three answers for you…
Yes, although I may not buy it except as something to add to a UH collection.
Yes, that is a good title. I am not sure on the copyright issue.

P.S. While this isn’t a book that would necessarily interest me, I do like the idea of the book all together. Might be interesting if it had other faiths represented doing the same kind of thing too, but stick with your vision.


No advice for you Rev, other than: GO GET IT!!!

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Ha! Thanks, man.

I love it. I’m a Christian coog always looking for a good devotional.

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You will sell one to me!

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I like it!

You might investigate how Faith guided Bill Yeoman and Guy Lewis as they, literally, invented our Nationally ranked Football and Basketball programs and at the exact same time.

Might discover some very interesting stories.

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Actually that is a good idea too.

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He’s a Christian minister, others can write one for thier faith.

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Did you not read my entire post? I told him to stick with his original vision.

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Funny you should mention…my latest book Courtroom Storytelling is out in paper back and hard back. Among other things there are remembrances of our Law School in the 1960’s and where we are today. Be on the watch for an article about it in an upcoming U of H publication.

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this is great !

probably a small audience but over time i’d bet you could sell a few hundred if the UH bookstores will carry them.

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I doubt the bookstores would carry them, but it would be worth a conversation, I suppose.

Good for you, Jim. I’ll look forward to it!