OT: Cub Camp Permanently Ended, UHAA gutted to the core

So I just learned about this today, but two weeks ago a few tweets were directed at Dr. Khator on how Cub Camp was ended.

After talking with a few people, I can confirm that it is permanent. Cub Camp has been nixed by the new Provost, Dr. Diane Chase. This change is permanent, and no new plans for a freshman integration activity has been announced.

Cub Camp just… Isn’t happening. No public announcement was made, nobody really found out until the guy who created it, tweeted at Khator.

UHAA has also been gutted. Quite a bit. You did see people post about their last days working, but I have also received confirmation that they simply just fired almost all of the staff instead of investing in it, which could cause more donors and involved alumni.

There is no plan by UH on how to use athletics effectively as an alumni development tool.

They just expect it because “muh big 12 and muh football”

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: UH hates fun, and there’s an insane gap between the Admin and Athletic (and by extension, alumni) side


I’m not familiar with Cub Camp. When did it first start being held?

Also I didn’t ever think the Alumni association had a very big staff.

It was created by SGA in 2013 and started out in 2015, from some history online.

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Like I said before, UH cant get out of its own way. Sounds likes this new provost needs to go already.

We already need to clean house in our athletics department, maybe we need to clean house in our administration too?


I agree. Bad initial signs. That’s not how you run things, Mrs. Provost.
I also agree that the current AD is letting some of the funded sports fall into mediocrity. See Baseball, Women’s Basketball, and Softball. I think he unfortunately needs to be replaced. I expected much better leadership from him.


TBH, I’m not using this to dog on the AD. Their office is very receptive to students.

But there’s an insane disconnect when going across Cullen Blvd to the Athletic District.

Anyway, Dr. Chase was previously at UNLV, and at UCF before that. UCF. When they had their skyrocket in athletics and campus life.

Maybe she has a plan, maybe she doesn’t. She seems to want to do her own thing. We shall see.


Interesting. This would make sense if Dr. Chase didn’t like the culture, this is the quick method (i.e. clean house) to make it change.

Admittedly, I didnt know that. If she can transform UH like UCF transformed then I’ll eat crow.

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I have no idea what “cub camp” is?

Would you please provide some detail about what it is and how it was implemented in the past?

Like A&M’s Fish Camp but UH version.

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Was just scrolling through instagram a couple minutes ago and realized I get more content from Auburn WBB (which I don’t even follow) than from UH Football or MBB. That, uh…shouldn’t be happening.


I would love to understand the vision of Drs. Khator and Chase about marketing the athletic programs. Also, how the AA can help support that vision. Let’s go beyond the “AAC revenue vs B12” explanation. To me, this is a failure of vision and leadership.

I will be very interested to read the public comments about the gutting of the AA. Realistically, since it deals with personnel staffing, there may be very little comment.

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Is cub camp the one where they do the candle by the fountain and you sleep over and all that other stuff?

Well idk if it was the old provost. But i don’t think she had anything to do with student life at UCF. They had attendance issues until they started winning.


In the fall of ‘68 I attended a freshmen orientation at UH. I think Bill Worell was the speaker but not sure.
Is this Cub Camp the same as orientation?

Orientation and cub camp are different things. I believe it’s mandatory for all incoming freshman to attend orientation and cub camp is something optional.


Seems redundant to have orientation and a separate thing that is also like orientation. Orientation should be a part of the cub camp and it should all be mandatory. aTm’s fish camp is mandatory right?

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In the past fish camp was optional, I’m not sure if it still is but I believe it is.

As to UH, when I went to orientation it was more than one day and I had the option to stay on campus or commute.

Haha. Cub Camp. Wow. Sounds fetch.


Stop trying to make fetch happen…


This is it! Basically fish camp but for UH. But no, orientation is the one where you do the candles and sleep over. Cub Camp is basically a three day trip to Trinity to get spirited about UH and learn about traditions, make friends before school, etc.

Old provost encouraged it. It was created by an SGA President in 2013 and officially started in 2015.

The president at UCF did a ton of stuff after success and academic rise.