Pain Management

Little background on motivation. Pain after back surgery.

Louis bought an AR-style semi-automatic rifle just hours before the shooting, Franklin said. He bought a 40-caliber pistol from a pawn shop on May 29, police said.

Well there are many things to be said here but I got in trouble for “doing a politics” last time though I suspect it’s because it was too clever and political.

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One would think that anyone who saw a guy in the parking lot with an AR-15 would immediately call 911.

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I dunno. Images like this are all over the Internet.




Well the guy who shot the doctor in houston riding his bike… anybody remember that one?

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That’s taking open carry to the extreme.

You guys are goofy though

That doctor should have prescribed fentanyl


On what grounds ?

911 Operator : What is the emergency ?
911 Caller : I saw a guy carrying a rifle in the parking lot ! He is not breaking any laws
but I saw him and it scared me ! He may do something?!?!
911 Operator : What is your emergency ?


Its just a question of figuring out if he’s a good guy with a guy or bad guy with a gun. Hmm i wonder what factors people will use, hopefully no unknown bias creep out.


People that open carry are not very smart.


Thats what happened a few years back in clear lake, dude was walking with an AR, cops got called, checked in on him. I’m sure the cops were like “brotha man, listen…”

TV and newspapers should just have a daily page or on-air segment named Today’s Mass Shootings so we can compartmentalize it like the sports section/segment. Oh, that’s today’s shootings, I wonder what the weather is like tomorrow?


Every major city or town in America starts the local News with ten minutes of robberies or shootings. We are numb to those and now numb to mass shootings.

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I’d be in favor of that if they added a Mass Shooting Forecast as well. Kinda like a count
down thing …”It’s been 3 days since last mass shooting, so todays forecast is at 85% probability of
a shooting in your area. Be sure to wear your sun screen and only visit places where there are ample good guys with guns “


If that sawbones left the guy in constant pain, I can imagine the guy using heavy painkillers and deciding not wanting to spend the rest of his life in pain and on drugs. So he kills the guy who hurt him and then himself.

Totally irrational but unbearable pain…

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You are probably spot on.

And here we go…no honking.

HCSO: Passenger shot, killed in possible road rage on Beltway 8 in NW Harris County

On grounds that carrying a rifle into a hospital office building is not allowed by the hospital or office building. I would think that the police would like the alert and send someone to check it out.