Papercity Article

If this has already been posted then delete this… But I stumbled across this article where Mark says he’s definitely returning but Sasser is still undecided… But the article still makes me think Sasser is coming back to win a natty.

I see the other thread now… :rofl:

Lol. I think its been posted 4 different times :smile:

But its a good article

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I was driving back to NC from TX so I was out of the loop… :grin:

Let’s see if I can keep bumping this one back to the top of the forum…

Sasser’s coming back… I don’t need no stinking article to know that! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

North Carolina from Tx? Ouch

Not too bad when you’re on a 3 week vacation… That’s over unfortunately… :-1:

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That’s just a long drive. I drove from Houston to DC when I moved here, once was more than enough!

Not too bad in my F-150 XLT… I’m 6’3" and I can set my seat to where I’m kind of in an inclined recliner so it doesn’t hurt my back… I just hating driving through Atlanta.

Get with me for the ECU and Navy games this year… I’ll be at both.

Go Coogs!

Yeah, Ill be at both of those too as well as the basketball game against UVA in Charlottesville.

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