Planning ahead

Thinking about next season in FC. Can a person pick up radio signals inside FC ? ? ? ? ? Would a head set radio work in there ? ? ? ? ? In the distant pass, I always enjoyed listening to the radio broadcast and now I sort of miss it.

You could probably stream the game online. The WiFi is pretty good in FC.

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I’ve never actually done this, but for some reason would think it would be annoying since the radio broadcast is on a bit of a delay, right?

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The radio broadcast no, the internet stream very much so

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I tried to go online for an away game radio broadcast. All I got was some idiot talk show host I’ve never heard of. Never did get to listen to the game . . . . .

I used to do it for football but the delay got really long around 2007. Like 20 seconds long. Kind of irritating.

The radio broadcast is actually a few seconds ahead of the live game. It’s the weirdest thing

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