Played well, but we were out guned and out coached

The lads played hard, but out coached again in the 2nd half. Where were the students on a perfect football night.

He’s lost the fan base. And ours is the easiest to lose.


We scored 7 points after going up 23-9 with 2:12 to go in the first half.

Those 7 points were on a busted play, QB scramble.

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In 21 2nd half quarters: 7 points or less 19 times, 0 points 10 times


Tbf, he has put us through a lot of embarrassment in the past 5 years


14 of our points was a trick play and pick 6. Offense sucking wears out our belk D


23 of our 30 points were a trick play, a safety, a pick 6, and a busted play QB scramble.


Sounds lucky


And we benefitted from a very low percentage conversion hail mary working to beat West Va. And against Baylor - we went all or nothing on a 2 point conversion.

We are not exactly winning games by being in control start to finish. Even when we do win - it is rarely a “given” by the 4th quarter and usually always down to the wire…


again…we ALMOST played 2 quarters!!

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10 penalties, two turnovers, 3 of 11 on third down.

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3rd and 46

Can you really blame the students for not showing up. Easy to come up with reasons to not go to the game with Dana as the HC.


Well, if consistency is what you are seeking, you have it right there. :wink:


Aren’t the students out on Thanksgiving break? Mine are.

True, but 90+k were watching aTm beat up on a little sister before heading home.

I like these students

I saw “out coached” and had to click this. This game turned on Smith’s god awful interception right before halftime. We made a couple of plays early, had all the momentum, that’s why we looked so good. That stupid throw completely flipped it. Oklahoma State is a more talented team than us and that INT made them realize it.

As I continue to say, it all starts with the OL. These guys can’t run block or protect the QB.
Donovan was running for his life every play. You cant run any legit offense with this glaring weakness. I think Naghavi was a good hire and he’ll get things turned around with better. He worked wonders at Tulane. The fact that Pancake played so well at center gives me hope.

Friends and I keep wondering when we’ll be able to just securely win a game instead of barely squeak them in.

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