Ranking Big12 coaches


I guess Neal Brown has made WVU fans miss Dana lol


Sarkasian is not the 3rd best hc in the Big 12.


247 sports writers think he is the best in the b12. the pandering is overwhelming

I’m surprised no one is coming at Gundy being ranked No.1

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17 year head coach. Consistent ranked teams. 1 conference champion.
But he’s a ‘consistent winner’ in games that don’t hang banners.


Klieman is the best coach. He’s building another NDSU at KSU.



  • I can’t argue that CDH is a middle-of-the pack coach at this point. I hope that changes due to UH’s success in the B12.
  • Gundy is a good coach, but #1? He is getting credit for longevity. Things could turn on a dime, but I feel he is on a downward trend. I think his teams underachieve also.
  • Everyone is wondering if Dykes experienced a one-hit wonder year at TCU. He benefited from senior leadership and scheduling. He is one spot ahead of CDH. I think Dykes is a good coach but he has to prove himself in the B12.
  • I have no problem placing the head T-Sip, Sarkisian, at #4.
  • Klieman has higher upside than Leipold because he is coaching a better program at K-State. Leipold has more wins overall. A tossup but I would rank both over Gundy.

Im a Gundy guy - dudes a legend there even though one of the biggest boosters wanted him gone (aren’t I remembering that correctly?)

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In the Summer of 1976 The SWC Head Coaching rankings would have been Royal, Broyles, Teaff, and Ballard.

As it turned out it actually was Bill Yeoman.

Let’s see how the season plays out.


I think you meant Emory Bellard at Texas A&M, not Ballard.

These lists are all subjective and designed to fire up the base.

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Yes I did.

Let’s ride Dana!



K-State leading the way. Early is only UH coach, made second team.
I forgot Baby Briles moved to TCU and Meacham is just WR coach there.

Do not understand Sark and Aranda above Dykes. They both have lower overall records % and Big 12 records. Esp Sark with UT resources.

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LOL, Dykes @ #7…writer is either a moron or just a click bait piece

Saw another that had Dykes #1 and Sarkisian near the bottom

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Sarkisian has done less with more. Why is he at 4?