Ranking the coaches in the AAC

Time to cuss and discuss…who are the best coaches in the AAC. Also, how is Gus Malzahn doing so far at UCF (xfer players, recruits, asst coach hires, etc.)? Fickell at Cincy seems poised for success once again.

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The list is accurate in my opinion.

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Renewed my season tix and I’m cautiously optimistic about the upcoming season. Don’t think I’m being disloyal by stating that I’ve been less than impressed with our results the past two seasons. I’ll say this until I’m blue in the face…there is no excuse for UH failing to consistently finish in the top 3 of the conference, given the area talent, facilities, and legacy of Coog football.

Another thought, It would be great for the conference if Gus can bring UCF back into contention for the conference championship. Two or possibly three ranked teams from the AAC would further strengthen the conference’s respectability.


The lack of activity in this thread should tell you all you need to know.


Some people have other things going on through the course of the day. :roll_eyes:

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“Dana Holgorsen has done little with Houston to justify his standing as the highest-paid coach in the AAC.”



Well this is going to go the same direction these always go. Or maybe not we could be really tired of rehashing the pro CDH vs. anti CDH topics.

But I’d say his ranking seems fair. Maybe a bit high based on results so far but not crazy.

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No intention of bashing CDH, just ready to start winning. I am a big fan of the AAC. I want both Fickell and Gus to succeed at Cincy and UCF, respectively. Good to see Memphis with continuity and continued success on the gridiron. Also glad that Fritz remained at Tulane versus leaving for Kansas. Our conference continues to improve in both FB and MBB, which is good for UH. A rising sea lifts all boats, right?


I was a fan of the CDH hire because we had someone who wanted to be here. I was optimistic after a good season with Judas. But i haven’t been impressed with him or the QB. This schedule is easy but i will not call it a success unless we go all the way to ny6 and win it. 3 years should be more than enough for him to have his foundation to win


Yeah, I was a fan CDH hire but its time. Time to start winning games, time to start dominating opponents. No more excuses. This season will make or break CDH at UH.


I’m a fan of Holgorsen and I would argue that Montgomery belongs ahead of him at this point.


In a normal situation, I would agree with this statement. However, I think last season was so unusual that almost no conclusions can be drawn. That is why it is fair to say this year should be a make or break year

I think that’s what he meant , J_Coog :sunglasses:

This season will decide if the list is accurate or not. I renewed my season tickets and I am cautiously optimistic about the season. U of H needs CDH to be successful, starting over with a new coach would not be in the best interest of the University or team.


I’d say the lack of activity means many are tired of the bs/ignorance that dominates this topic.


It’s just circular at this point. The same people Making the same arguments about CDH.

The article to me is fair, he’s shown nothing to this point that suggests he deserves to be ranked higher and everyone before him had right either been worse or is still too much of an unknown.

On CDH in general, this is his year and I think we are coalescing around this point. Just about everything needed to be successful is in place this year, and if this year is not successful I think most will be ready to move on.


I’ll agree with that. Even those of us who aren’t cdh fans can only sit back and see how the year plays out.

But I honestly hope I’m wrong about him and that we are winners starting now.


Unless he rethinks the offense and the trigger man we are in for a long season.


There’s no reason we can’t hit 10 wins this season. It’s next year that I’m starting to worry about.


I’ll be shock if Tune leads UH to 10 wins lol. Hopefully, I’m wrong. Defense would have to be special.

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