Recruiting Class 2017 Reactions

Does anyone have access to I’m curious what the current commits reactions are to todays news.

Still have access so I checked it out; most of it you could probably gleen from twitter or other sources. Basically, recruits are in a wait and see mode depending on the new coaching staff. Herman probably won’t try to steal many recruits since he’s at UT and probably doesn’t need to. Some of our 4-star targets will probably drop us from consideration though.

Only one that’s basically a definite commit is Joe Anderson who tweeted out that he’s still a Coog.

I’d also expect Bryson Smith to stay committed as he was basically recruited by Greg Ward.

Matt Huhn’s mom went off on Coach Herman and the recruiting staff today on twitter. Let’s just say that she’s not happy. Don’t know if that will affect his commitment. She also seemed to have deleted her account by the end of the day.

I’ll post more if I see it.

Joe Anderson would be a big get as he plays a critical position. Defensive line. I know UH was building one heck of a class. May of been the best at UH since 1995 when the SWC broke up 20+ years ago. I would of had like for CTH to stay one more year to see the classes of 2016 & '17 played together. We all knew coach Herman was going to leave once the Big 12 turn us down because the dissapointment was shown on the field starting with the SMU game. He probably had told the team right before the Oklahoma game that UH was most likely going to make in the Big 12 with a great showing against Oklahoma.

But the powers of be in the Big 12 wouldn’t want UH another power Texas school to steal their top talent and keep their up and comer coach. We all knew that if that Texas job came available, coach Herman would leave for it. Just thought coach Strong was going to survive this season. Once he (Texas) lost against Kansas, possibly the worst program in college football, the writing was on the wall that coach Herman wasn’t going to stay at UH instead of Texas, giving the choice. He graduated from there and he wanted to coach at a P5 school like his alma mater. He sees Texas as possibly his final stop in the college ranks if he doesn’t get fired. Can’t really go any higher job wise than Texas, unless is the NFL in which he doesn’t sound interested right now. He said he loves teaching and coaching kids.

For him, he probably sees recruiting in Texas, as an endless possibility on who he could land. At Texas, he can go to Florida, California & other hotbeds along with the state of Texas and land the top of the cream recruits with no problem. I’ll be shock if he doesn’t end up with the number #1 class in 2018 given he will have a full year to recruit with all the resources he has now.

Now, UH has to focus on getting a great coach that can recruit the Houston area and surround him with a great staff. Renu Khator needs to find a way to help UH go to one of the big P5 conferences.

Problem at Texas hasn’t been recruiting. Strong has been pulling in big classes; Herman really can’t do much better.

Problem has been the on-field product. Maybe Herman changes that; he did for a year, but his style here worked with guys that felt like underdogs. He can’t pull the same stuff at Texas, at least not long term. However, he seems very stubborn about his “style” which led to a 4-4 conference record on the road while at Houston which makes me think he might struggle a bit. Remember, he’s still a very young coach, both in age and experience; young coaches take some lumps before usually putting it together.

We’ll see about his leash there. They expect him to win and win fast. 8-5 next year, and there will be detractors from those that supported Strong; including some in the media (Golden at the Statesman already asked the question of why UT wanted to hire a guy that finished 4th in his division in the AAC). Herman had his problems with the media in Houston (and some nationally);if he tries to pull some of the BS in Austin, they’ll eat him alive.

That’s it from me; last Ill say or post about him. He ain’t a Coog anymore and I have lost a lot of the respect I had for him with the way he left. UT got what they deserved by hiring him, and I’ll do what I always do and hope they lose miserably and embarrassingly as I have done every year before now.

We’ll lose some kids from this class, we’ll keep some, but in the end, we’ll be OK. With admin, alumni, and boosters supporting us, we’ll reach greater and greater heights and laugh about how we worried when Tom Herman left us to go live in Austin for a few years.


Yeah. It’s a new day. I will no longer speak about him who should remain nameless. Lol. I’m ready for a new beginning and beating Arizona, UTSA and TT next season.

Good post Pat. This whole fiasco has really embroiled me to become a 46er. Looking forward to next season. Bring on TT and Arizona. (I know they’re weak but let’s stay undefeated against P5).

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Exactly! And we need to bring people to that first home game and pack the stands for those kids.

We need a massive, sold out, seats filled, red-out for the first home game. Those kids need to see we are there for THEM and not a coach.

My jersey is washed, hung up, and ready for August.

Eat 'em up, Coogs!


The more I think on it, the more Phil Montgomery makes the most sense. His recruits are all from Texas and Oklahoma. He can peobably keep moat of our recruits, bring some of his and bring some new ones. He can take the best of his staff, pair with ours and perhaps add Sterlin Gilbert and Mattox who were with him before UT. I think Montgomery can keep this going without missing a beat.

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really not that worried about the recruits…herman will get what he wants at texas anyway, and with baylor not a top option anymore this is the best time for us to go through a coaching change…less options for,top,recruits and the staff that left us won’t be needing to poach from UH.

I’m not sure if there’s an official thread for 2017 recruits but I searched and this was the best I could find.

Not sure if anyone else picked up on this but Chaisson tweeted about playing with Ed Oliver next season. He has since deleted the post.

Nick Robinson, a highly sought after 4 star WR from OKC by the Uni. of Memphis, tweeted he’s going to Vegas this weekend. To watch the Coogs play?

Nick was supposed to officially visit UH this past weekend. I didn’t see anything on twitter from either side about his arrival. Perhaps they decided to invite him to the bowl game instead?


It’s against NCAA rules to invite a recruit to a bowl game. He can choose to show up on his own, but the team cannot include him in any way

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