Rigged Super Bowls?

Are the Super Bowls rigged? This guy seems to be quite accurate at predicting last year’s Super Bowl game!

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Says it was posted 11 months ago. Are you sure it was posted before the game and not after? I didn’t watch it though, just looked to see what it was. Certainly this person is monetizing these posts, but I’m highly skeptical of the game being rigged and both QBs receiving scripts (as mentioned in the about).

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It was posted before the Super Bowl. As you can see by the comments that were left by the viewers that praised him for being uncanny accurate with his predictions! He didn’t get every detail right, but he did got the score right and how the Chiefs won the game right! Even I could tell you the outcome of the game is going to be shaped by how the refs call the game! That much is undeniable!



Yes, that does happen but doesn’t necessarily mean it was predetermined.

If the premise is the guy came up with a “prediction” of a past event then this is either a joke or a scam. Pick your poison.

Not clicking to give this thing numbers.


How do they blade their forehead if they are wearing helmets?

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There’s a reason I don’t bet NFL…

Watch the pass interferences and defensive holds come out late in the 4th for a winning FG…

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Didn’t see any of those in the 4th quarter today. However all the people who “knew” it was rigged, where’s your betting slips? If you knew, you should have taken advantage of that knowledge and cleaned up at the sports book.


Saints game is the gold standard of a knob job