Saturday 9/30/18 games to watch

Here’s the AAC schedule:

And here’s who else is on TV: 2023 College Football Schedule |

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The temple/Bc game could possibly be fun if some locals start an intercity riot near the stadium; the rest look like trash. Obnoxiously boring weekend for the conference.

Need an AAC OOC sweep. ODU made headlines last week and BC is a brand name.

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Yep I will skip AAC games, much more interesting games on to watch

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Other than West Virginia vs Texas Tech, I don’t see a game of interest outside the AAC before the late games


That is what I am watching. A bunch of former UH coaches going head-to-head with high speed offenses. A former UH player is also in the sideline.

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i hope pitt beats ucf. tired of ucf’s cockiness

Nope. I always root for AAC opponents outside of playing UH. One of our conference mates’ fanbases getting cocky just makes it that much sweeter when you beat their @$$!


As a conference, we need that win over a P5 (even a bad one).

Best case scenario for us, if we want UCF to lose, is to go undefeated in conference and for UCF to lose to USF in their final game. Would mean that we would host (unless Cincy runs the table) the AAC Title game against whoever comes out of the East.


Holgorsen and Kingsbury were roommates when they coached at Houston?!? That house must have been party city.


Tech’s defense is still crap. im still mad we lost to them.

Vasher is out for Tech. He was doubtful.

Need our conference to win all OOC to give us credibility if we win the conference.


Should Kliff fire Gibbs?

at this rate he wont have to. they both will be unemployed.

vasher for tech is injured, the replacement seems to have drop isues

Temple has their INT overturned then gave up a 4th and 15 conversion to BC then TD.
Good thing they had a 75 yd TD run when they got the ball.

Fumble on kickoff TD Temple!!!


pass the sticks tech