Scientists make concerning discovery while studying human placentas: 'That's not good'

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For the last 30 years the amount of sugar we consume has gone sky high and the amount plastic we have used has gone way up.

The reality is we are really unhealthy.

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it’s become part of our food chain intake. Quite a concerning development. I could see it being banned eventually.

This is BFD imho.

The size of these things interferes with the most basic cellular functions and is probably
building up in the food chain in everything we eat (plant or animal). Not to mention inhalation as well. Not good.

Going back to glass bottles may be a solution for the liquids we consume. My very first job in a milk factory was when glass bottles were being phased out. The large gallon milk bottles were a pain to deal with and clean. There was a large machine , called a bottle washer appropriately enough, that used caustic acid in the cleaning. A nasty substance in and of itself to be around.
And lots of water was used in the process. And of course glass is a heavy but delicate container
for transportation. Back to the future ?



All of the following, plus more can be achieved by doing one thing- eliminate sugar from your diet as much as possible

  • you sleep better
  • you will become more tone and shed pounds fast as your body releases the sugar toxins
  • your skin clears up and less dry/itchy
  • you suddenly have more energy/strength for your workouts and more energy for everything really
  • your brain/memory improves as the inflamation subsidies

Your body will go into wirhdrawl for the first few days because sugar IS A DRUG…but fight through it!

This one I can’t prove but I’d be interested in seeing if scientist have studied the impact of sugar and cancer cells. I wonder if it speeds up the growth/ agression of the cancer cells


They absolutely have done the studies and sugar does feed cancer growth.

Our food supply is horrible and it is killing us. We are obese and cancer ridden and it is all because of the preponderance of sugar that is in everything.

Sugar is in everything.


Some contrarian data that shows total sugar consumption has fallen while obesity
has risen.

Lifestyle choices.

To get back on topic, I’m less concerned about sugar consumption and more concerned about
a man made synthetic molecule becoming lodged in our organs.

Link to imbedded graphs…