Seating Etiquette (Complaining about fat people)

Years ago I was on a flight on Continental. I always select an aisle seat and usually wait a bit to get on board. This was a smaller Embraer plane with 2 seats on one side.

When I get to my seat there’s this guy that takes up both seats…he’s probably + 375#. Flight attendant gave him a seat belt extension. I was, ok this is not gonna work.

She was prepared and waiting for me, though. Luckily the flight was not full and I got another aisle seat.

@coog74, Most of us feel your pain. It happens in arenas and airline flights. You may try to politely get the overweight man to sit in the other seat of the two, not next to yours. You may need to reseat yourself if all else fails or be uncomfortable for one game.

I remember years ago coming back from a flight from London and the person next to me was coughing, sneezing and complaining the whole trip. I felt like I was being exposed to every disease known to man. Truly a flight from hell.

As a 330 lb man I know what you mean, I only go to buy games where I know I can spread out and there won’t be someone next to me, I then sell the rest of my tickets to visiting fans as to not be a burden on the people that sit around me.

Also as a 330 lb man I am sore after the games because of the tightness of the seats. The football stadium has wider chairbacks, and moving to the club is really not a option unless they have a special fat guy waiting list I don’t know about, because the normal waiting list won’t get you there.


Let’s be clear… asking an obese person to stay out of an area you paid for is not body shaming.

If you take up 2 seats then buy 2 seats…


Realistically, if you don’t fit in your seat, it would have to be at least 3 seats — you need a one-seat buffer on each side, unless you’re in an aisle seat.

Of course, the real message I’m picking up here is that if you’re a large person, you’re not welcome at Fertitta Center, and you should stay home. Probably best to just watch on ESPN3. The TV is a lot less judgmental. And you won’t be taking up anyone else’s seat on your own couch.


I always thought the steps up to the entrance from the street was a fitness check. LOL

I think this train of thought goes in the same line as asking the people sitting in front of you to sit down and asking the people behind you to be quiet.

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yes they are, but they are still wider than the seats in NRG stadium

As Bill Burr described it, your seat neighbor is both beside you and in front of you…

I would politely tell him to “move your fat ass out of my seat”. Sorry you have to deal with this. I’m sure there are going to be people hating on you for this since a lot of people are soft at this school.

If not fitting into a seat at games isn’t a wake up call for some people I don’t know what is.

All the best,


The message is buy more seats if you take up more room…

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Are airlines doing this now?

Having large people buy two seats?

I think some folks expect to have the same level of seating comfort at games that they enjoy at home. I’ve sat next to “normal” sized people who proceed to spread out and take up as much space as possible.

The seats in FC are suitably sized for skinny people - that’s it. I’ve just accepted that I’m probably going to be uncomfortable for the couple of hours that I go to the game unless I decide to get up and walk laps or I want to move to different seats.

Most airlines require folks that big to purchase two seats and they get reimbursed if the flight is not full.

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Same thing happened to me. The pilot got on the microphone and even said, “ladies and gentlemen, we are a little ‘front heavy’ today. We are looking for volunteers to move closer to the back.” :joy::joy:

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Crappy situation wish I could give better advice but unfortunately there isn’t a real classy way of saying, “Sir, would you mind being less fat you’re overlapping into my space.” Plus unless he commits to you know being less fat is not like it’s going to change. Not like the airlines when a hefty person can buy two seats and lift the armrest.

I mean you could be equally space intrusive, but again not like there’s a super “high road” way of taking this.

That’s where I remember hearing it…

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You could stand the whole game and be that rabid, hardcore fan. Let out some steam in front of him and he may never come back.

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If you’re seated next to an overweight person on a plane, the best approach is to remain calm, be respectful, and communicate with them and the flight attendant if necessary; if they are clearly taking up too much space in your seat, discreetly ask the flight attendant to find you a different seat, especially if it’s before the plane door is closed; remember to be empathetic and avoid making any judgments about their size.

Key points to remember:

  • Be mindful of your attitude:

Avoid any negative or judgmental thoughts, as this situation can be uncomfortable for the larger person as well.

  • Communicate politely:

If you feel your space is being significantly impacted, politely ask the person if they could try to minimize encroachment into your seat.

  • Contact the flight attendant:

If the situation is causing significant discomfort, discreetly speak to a flight attendant and explain the issue. They may be able to find you a different seat depending on availability.

  • Consider the timing:

If possible, address the issue before the plane door is closed, as options may be limited once the flight is airborne.

  • Understand airline policies:

Some airlines have policies regarding passengers who require extra space due to their size, which may require them to purchase an additional seat.

Do not:

  • Make assumptions: Do not assume the person is intentionally trying to inconvenience you.
  • Publicly embarrass them: Avoid pointing out their size or making comments that could be considered offensive.
  • Be confrontational: If you need to address the issue, do so calmly and privately with the person or a flight attendant.

This is what google has to say about the situation on a plane, which would be the same as watching a basketball game.

Be sure and take control of the armrest all game. Your neighbor will enjoy sitting next to you.

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