Shasta on campus

The other board says the regents discussed having Shasta on campus and Tillman supports it.

I think it’s time we bring back Shasta on campus and they said it would be in a very good cage like the zoo.

Not a done deal but they discussed it

See the other UH message board for Coogfans where they posted the topic


Shasta roaming the sidelines line the old days

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I love the idea in concept but in reality it is better for Shasta at the Zoo, I would think.


I’m curious when they talked about this to listen in. Those meetings are 4 hours long though and I’m not curious enough to sit through that. Lol

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I really want a live Coog on campus. Tillman is for it. This would really be cool for school pride to visit our live Coog in a really nice cage. The Coog would feel the love. I hope this happens and I’ll email dr Khator.

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It would cost millions to build and 100s of thousands to maintain

Well Tillman is for it so I’m guessing he might buy the cage. Lsu has mike the tiger on campus.

I’d like to hear the board meeting and not what someone on another board said before declaring Tilman is for it.

What was the context? What exactly is he for?

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Yeah mikes cage is nice and baylor has a bear habitat. LSU even brings Mike in the field in a cage if they can entice him to get in with big slab of meat. To many woke at UH so it will never happen.

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So I’m actually the one who posted on the other board about it lol.

It’s under the Finance and Administration meeting tab and starts at 26 minutes and goes on for about 10 minutes or so.

I was surprised on the other board how they aren’t for it. If done right, I think it would be cool

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Even Memphis brings their live tiger mascot to the games.

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Thank you, I’ll check it out.

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Cool, I’m for it. I remember when live mascots were a thing. Baylors bear would chug a DP in every score. UH cougar roamed the sidelines also.

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From the video, Tilman is behind it, says it will cost about 4 million to build

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I really hope it happens. It would be so cool and an iconic place for students and alumni to visit.

Dammm this would be cool.

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They can’t say anything negative along as the cage is nice like at the zoo.

Thats what Tilman said. He said that it would not be an issue raising the funds

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Even though lsu is smaller than UH, they do have a veterinary school. I think that is fundamental to doing something like this.


We used to have a Coog on campus so we can do it again and it’s time.

I’m not certain but I don’t think Baylor’s is run by a vet school? I’m not sure though. Anyways, here is their’s:

But, Like someone mentioned on, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We have competent leadership that can get the right people in place and have a habitat that is equal to or better than the zoo. It would be super fun and boost school spirit. I’m all for it. I’m just glad that the people who make these decisions are actually talking about it.

P.S- So that Shasta doesn’t get lonely, why not have a Sasha in there as well? (Yes, I know that the original Shasta was a female).