Shasta VI Passing

We should have stickers for each Shasta

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Yeah , we do need another one for tradition. I wish we could have a live cougar on campus again. Lsu has the tiger so it could be done but we’d need a nice cage and whatever room and set up the zoo had but it prob costs to much so if we could get another at the zoo.

Cougar Legend !!!

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Us old Coogs have to teach the young’ins our Cool History ! It is what we do ! Pass it on !
Go Coogs !


Time to make Shasta VII only he will have the latest in bionic technology. Also we should get the heat seeking missile upgrade… because why not?

We can rebuild him we have the technology!

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A little more info on young Shasta VI and his 2 brothers

Pamplin Media Group - Pamplin Media Group

A Nashville Zoo post on the brothers


Was there ever any serious talk about the brothers coming here at one time? It seems like maybe I heard this one time but it has been a while. I certainly wouldn’t move them now.

RIP Shasta VI, go chase that big longhorn in the sky.

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Took a video of Shasta at the zoo after I decided I was going to UH.



We need a replacement and hope we don’t just drop it.


More than likely there will be one or there essentially giving up on our ring tradition

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The cage is empty and there are cougars that need a home. So I think we get another.

Also was the Shasta that watched over my ring as well. Coogs get your rings. It’s worth it!

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The first UH Football home game Shasta deserves a moment of silence and 10 rings of the bell from the Spirit of Houston to honor our passed cougar.


I would hope the University could find another rescue. Just seems appropriate and the right thing to do.


They have a typo, they have it as Shasta IV but then say six.

The 3rd pic…Shasta II (1962-65) is in the enclosure where Shasta stayed on campus in my freshman year (1965). Used to see Shasta fairly often. Got a surprise once walking to class and all of a sudden there was a big kitty on a leash walking towards me only a few feet away.