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WOW! Just wow!

It has been a long time since we’ve seen an all around dominant performance like we saw last night. We have had some 30 point scorers, but this was a different level. This was Olajuwon level domination like when he was getting triple doubles (points, rebounds, and blocks). Shead dominated every aspect of the game. They couldn’t stop him. He did whatever he wanted.

We’ve seen flashes of this. In crucial situations, he’s hit a couple of big shots or made difficult drives. But we’ve never seen it for an entire game. It would be unrealistic to expect this every game, but dang it would be nice. This type of game can draw focus away from Cryer and Sharp to open them up for wide open 3’s.


He’s my favorite Cougar player. Maybe ever. Best ever? No, but last night was an all-time Cougar performance. I love that guy, and I’m trying to enjoy every minute we have left with him.


Sampson’s program has produced a number of players I am proud to say were Coogs. Shead is definitely one of them.


He needs to try and do that every game, I really think he can get to the hole anytime he wants


What I saw last night is the Shead from our Elite 8 year.

We all know he has that in him but the last couple of years he has deferred because we had other guys that could score the ball.

CKS or someone on staff said we need you to score Jamal….put us on your shoulders and go to work.

I think this is the Jamal Shead we see the rest of the year.


There was a point in the game, I think it was in the second half. Jamal came out for a breather. On his way to the bench, instead of giving Jamal a high 5 or a pat on the butt, Sampson gave him a big bear hug. I had never seen him do that before except after a game or senior night. It really stood out to me. Now, hearing about the heart to heart talk they had, it puts everything into context.


Is the website still up where we can buy Shead gear?



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I just hope we can keep his legs rested enough for a deep tourney run. With Mylik not being able to give significant minutes, I’m worried about Shead running out of gas late in the year. Our offense is not good when Shead sits so he can sit for long.


He also gave him (and only him) a big hug before he was announced with the starting lineup. I remember at the time thinking that was odd. Makes perfect sense now. Sampson the psychologist at work!



There’s also an important strategic aspect to the game Shead had. Now opponents will have to give him more attention meaning more open shots for Cryer, Dunn, & Sharp. It’s an exciting development for the rest of the season. Add in the improvement of Francis as a defensive force. It will be interesting to watch the battle in the paint with UCF.

Go Coogs!


What makes Shead so good is he’s not always looking for a foul when he drives, unlike Dunn and Sharp. He’s looking to score. I hate the new style basketball where players are always looking for a foul. And he doesn’t celebrate like he just hit a winning shot, like Roberts.

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My favorite moment with Shead was when he started picking up the mess that others made after we lost a game. Showed the type of person he is. Then i find out his dad is an army guy and tells me everything. He is on list of one of my favorite coogs…right up there with case.



Cryer is 16th.


I know Coog fans strongly dislike Tom Herman, but I want to borrow one of his coach-speak terms: Jamal Shead is a DUDE. He has the ability to take over a game and impose his will on the other team. He’s tough as nails and a playmaker. Here’s to good health for Jamal. Without him, we are a much different team.

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$head looks even quicker, and faster, this year!

Marcellus Wiley came up with the term DUDE… I think…

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