SicEm365 Radio has been really good this week

I just caught on to the SicEm365 radio podcast this week and that show is really good, especially with what is going on right now.

Even though it was founded as a Baylor show, it has apparently turned into a show that is really covering all the major Texas colleges and it’s has been fantastic this week! People are calling in from all over the country talking about mostly Big12, Pac12 and AAC topics from a Texas perspective that definitely impacts UH. They also interview national college football writers like Andy Staples, Nicole Auerbach, Ralph Russo, etc… It has been really good!

Below is a link to yesterday’s podcast:

They also record a video version each day on Youtube:
LIVE: Where will the Big 12 Schools Go? Texas and OU leaving Big 12 | 365 Sports Radio ... - YouTube)

For example yesterday:

  • A caller called in and specifically asked about UH at 1Hr 48Min mark.
  • They talk about the AAC quite a bit and a good example is at the 2Hr 39Min mark.

Give it a listen and let me know what y’all think. I’ve been pretty impressed and highly recommend it for UH fans right now.


They’re so nervous they’re honest


Yes, they seem to be pretty humble with their takes and are very nervous right now.

They feel UH is in better position than both Baylor and TCU at this point.


I’m here in Waco for my hometown’s run in the southwest softball regional. Lady saw I had a UH shirt on at the front desk and asked if I went there. She was verrrry rude and stuck up the whole time. I am just over 30 and she was probably 50.


I am going to walk their campus after eating at Roadhouse. Probably will take some Cougar paw pics.


Forgive her. Waco and Baylor are in panic mode right now. Damn feel good saying that. Hahahahaha


They’re as homer as the next baylor crood. Its just they don’t know what to do.

I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. I want them to wallow in the mire. I want them heart-broken, wandering the streets of their smelly town babbling like lifeless zombies.

I hate Baylor, Ann Richards, Bob Bullock, that dumb bear that drinks dr pepper, and the whole lot.


Don’t hold back…(me too)…


Better than big city talk radio but lots of commercials. Also lots of spitballing.

I’m not saying its not ok. But they’re the enemy. Never forget that.

I know Baylor is the enemy, but their radio show is not a bunch of homerism. They haven’t been overly biased in the opinions I’ve heard at all. It’s been really good discussion about the current situation. And they all hate Texas!

BTW - Houston sports radio is TERRIBLE! Except for John and Lance in the morning.

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I’ve never been to their campus but I like the area around t

he football field.

You could just walk into their stadium?


How tf did you get inside the stadium


Wife and I asked two of their students walking around if they were happy with UT. Lol.

They drove off in their Range Rover.

We didn’t get in the stadium, just right up against the fence.

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lol I love schadenfreude too but just remember you’re an ambassador as well. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :wink: :unamused: :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

fantastic reference Funk…

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Even though we didn’t like Baylor, they get 2 recent things that we didn’t - the men and women NCAA Basketball championships. Those can be their selling points.

They also got about fifty-six felonies.