Signing day event

What impressed me was the sizes of these kids, especially the OL, but they were not fat. I see big guys on TV all the time that have huge size and also flabby stomachs hanging over their belts.


These young men seem like an upgrade for us.
Can’t wait for football season !
Go Coogs !

What I took away from Coach Fritz’s comments at the signing day event and from his YouTube press conference earlier in the day:

  • Coach Fritz will rebuild the Coogs from the inside out. He won’t say it publically, but I sense that he is not happy with the talent in the trenches and the OL and DL will be his #1 and #1a priorities.
  • DBs. He wants more DBs. He didn’t sound like a coach who wants to sit back and play zone.
  • The run game will start on the inside and work its way out. Bigger RBs to run or “slam it” up the middle and putting the fast twitch guys on the perimeter.
  • He’s still getting to know the kids he has inherited. Spring football should be interesting. Again, he did not say it publically, but I sense he’s going to weed out some kids on the roster. He’s looking for the kids that fit his mold, which reminds me of Tom Herman. I’m not sure if it will be a return to Tom Herman’s concussion practices, but I think Coach Fritz envisions a much tougher Houston Cougar than what Dana Holgerson envisioned. If you don’t fit that mold, hit the transfer portal.
  • I’m impressed with the quality of coaches that Coach Fritz has assembled. He gives them opportunities to speak. Other than Coach Belk, I don’t remember hearing much from Coach Holgerson’s staff. I like what Coach Shawn Bell had to say on at his press conference that I saw on YouTube.

Thank you '94 for you interesting post !
Go Coogs !

I was impressed by the size of the four safeties who were introduced. All of them are quite tall and very fit.


Music to my ears. I never understood why CDH used a small-ish RB’s on goal line running plays up the middle. It was so frustrating watching a guy like Sneed get crushed by 300 lb linemen, especially when we had a guy like Parker Jenkins.


We were at the signing event and while my wife and I were standing at one of the tables Kevin Barbay came up and started talking to us and then introduced us to Shawn Bell. Both were very engaging and friendly. Then we had four huge lineman come over and they hung with us a few minutes and were very open and friendly. We also talked briefly to Zeon Chriss and he was very friendly and respectful. At the end we introduced ourselves to Coach Fritz and and he was very accessible and friendly. This was probably the most open and available staff I have ever encountered and I don’t remember the players mingling like they did. Great experience!


I love this family atmosphere that Coach Fritz promotes . It has to help on recruiting .


My wife took a photo with them and they looked like giants up next to her.

We have never had players attend the event. Always wondered why not have some of our new recruits attend this. It is even easier now because better than half the class is already on campus.


I can’t remember his name but the guy you are showing is a legend in weight lifting. Soviet, Bulgarian can’t remember.

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Alekseyev…gosh I’m getting old


Here is. Watch until the end.


Better than the alternative . . . . .

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