So what happens now?

To the PAC12?

Do they grab G5 and destroy the AAC

Or do they merge, seize to exist, or get 4,6,8 from the Pacific time zones? And make 10MM a year?

Knowing how Stanford and Cal feel about themselves and there snobbery. Personally I think it goes the way of the SWC. Maybe B1G throws them a lifeline next year…

We drink!


I’m curious about this too. The G5 will have exit fees. Pac schools are free to move. There is no media deal in place after this year

At what point do they become a group of 5?

I cant see anything other than Stanford going independent, Washington state and California to the american, and osu possibly to the mountain west… no group of five makes the pac 12 a power 5

I think ideally WSU, Cal, and OSU can save the PAC name but that is way too many buyouts to get teams in. For what? A chance for a playoff spot for a year or 2. No media deal next year and none figured out any time soon. Seems to me the PAC will dissolve and those teams will fold to the MWC. PAC goes the way of SWC. Stanford likely independent. Cal may go Indy as well.


The AAC is in better shape than the remnants of the PAC. The AAC has media contracts nailed down.


Im just glad for once that UH is not one of the deck chairs in a sinkig ship of a conference. So I say to the New Big 12…


If Mandel has been feed this…PAC CFP autobid is gone.

One extra open spot 4 New B12 to get 3 in.

Its official, pac 12 is a group of 6 and UH is in a power 4


Now we have to create great rivalries


We need to be rivals with ASU

  1. Phoenix is just Houston without humidity.
  2. They don’t want to be in the Big 12. We fought like hell to be in the Big 12.
  3. We’ve got history - we played them in that one weird game in Tokyo in one of the Pardee years. We have scoreboard on them.
  4. And most importantly, they stole the Cougar Paw and spent the last 25 years while we were stuck in the G5 claiming that WE stole the Shocker from THEM. Screw that

Cal and Stanford go independent, they’d never stoop so low as to align themselves with the MWC, both will drop football within 5 years. Glad we have a seat at the table kind of but none of this is good for college football. Money and Greed. The Big and SEC want their own league and everyone else will have to figure it out.

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The Cougar Paw goes all the way back to Shasta 1 missing a digit. We have legit history behind ours tide to UT. ASU just doest it because looks like a pitch fork.

  1. Their Pres is a tool and ours is a total bada$$
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I think their best bet is to “merge” with the Mountain West. Keep the PAC name and the Mountain West linear TV deal. It isn’t much, but it buys some time to dump Kliavkoff and figure out a path forward while not totally losing exposure.

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I wouldn’t want to be the PAC commissioner right about now. He had a pretty terrible day.

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Common sense thing to do would be for the Pac 4 to merge with MWC. Hawaii is only a member for football and get Zags for basketball and there is your 16 team conference. But, the PAC has been making $hit decisions for a few years


You think? :rofl: