Space Force

Star Blazers, the greatest?


But I loved that show as a kid.

I would put Speed Racer as the ground breaking animee that really paved the way for future animee.

Thanks Dentist…yeah…something about the name just is off.

Definitely the greatest.

Who can forget lines like …HURRY STAR FORCE!!!..THE EARTH ONLY HAS XX DAYS LEFT!!!

Yeah I think we’d all want a cooler name, but really what is it? Like I said it’s not like Space Navy is any better. I mean maybe Space Corps. But that’s the best alternative I have at this point, and is it really that much better? I don’t think so.

Space Corp would not have been bad.

Space Marines was already trademarked.

The English theme song was catchy too.

Have you seen the live action version of Star Blazers?

Is you are a fan of the new BSG the movie has a tactic similar to the Adama maneuver

The Adama Maneuver

My kids enjoyed the live action version of the movie …and it let me think back to my time as a kid and wanting to fire the motion wave gun?

Haven’t seen the live action version, or any of the full length animated Japanese movies in the franchise.

Loved the original series though!


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Curtis LeMay was always a hammer. It was his only tool.

I don’t know how many civilians he killed when he firebombed Tokyo. The premise was the city was built on the castle system so that only the locals knew how to get around. To avoid urban warfare at our disadvantage, it was decided to just destroy Toyko. The fire was overshadowed by Hiroshima

Trust me, getting around Tokyo required me going down to the subway below to look at a map, it was so confusing.

I’ve had a blast in Japan when I’ve been there!

That said, I’d love to see the “Wave Motion Gun” adapted to live action.

Wonder what it looks like!

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I figure Trump got the Space Force idea the same time I did, after seeing James Bond in Moonraker.

The movie highlighted Dr. Goodhead, Lois Chiles, who became a professor at UH. She from a famous Texas oil family

How about Spacy? Like Army and Navy?

Live action wave motion gun.

Spacy…as in a Macross or robotech ref?


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Space Marines


pretty cool stuff!


If you loved the animee…I think there is a dubbed version of the movie on youtube…give it a look. The reveal of the battleship in the first act is worth it, as a fan of the animated series.

Search for space battleship Yamato which was the Japanese name of the show.

I wonder if the US Space Force has laser weapons yet? Maybe use it on incoming asteroids or enemy aliens.


On a serious note…I have no idea but you could fire a rail gun in space.

But I have to wonder how wise it would be as you would litter space with debris with a fired weapon, we saw in the movie Gravity what rogue debris can do.

Might be best to capture a satellite, I believe the chinese have that capability with one of their satellites.

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I think the Space Force officers can get their units to police the area, picking up all the debris

Your coming at this all wrong…

Just like we do with people who have to serve community service…we get them up in space to pick up trash…lol

Our military has better things to do with their time.