Starting QB for Friday: Duarte tweet

“Major Applewhite says Clayton Tune and Quinten Dormady will get reps this week at quarterback. Major acknowledges that Dormady’s potential to preserve year and transfer is a consideration in who plays” Duarte’s tweet.

This doesn’t seem like a good thing. If Tune is your #2 and got all the reps in Tulane then seems like an easy call. Doesn’t seem like putting the best player in the best position to win is a priority here. If you’re out of the running then fine, but you have a chance to win the division.

He’s probably just trying to be slick so Memphis has to prepare for 2 QBs.



I would actually consider using Bryson Smith as well but I am guessing we are going to need him at WR given the injury situation. I still prefer athletic quarterbacks like Ward and King.


Right they’ll not know what to do at this point in the season and just run into each other and fall over because they only thought 1 QB would throw the ball.

All this dumping on Major all season and now he’s some sort of genius?

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Bryson is hurt and out for the season due to a hamstring injury.

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Tune was 6 of 15. He didn’t exactly go out and clinch the job.

this is interesting, we were worried about preserving tune…not realizing dormady had the ability to transfer and the one we were actually trying to preserve so he could play elsewhere

from the redshirt tracker dormady has only played 2 games
and tune has played in 3

and we actually dont even know who the #2 qb is…

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How dare he not be perfect cold off the bench!

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We are only one hit on Tune from Dormandy playing so you need both guys to prepare as if they may play. Additionally, you could see a young QB get flustered with schemes and may need Dormandy to come in the 2nd half of game if it can be won. If King can be flustered or fooled by scheme, then the young freshman can also be tested.

The injury issue gives the coaching staff a chance to show their ability to scheme. Baylor had a game where all of their QBs were basically hurt and they ran the ball for most of the yards.

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Better than I could have stated it. After last year’s QB rotation of confusion we’re supposed to assume Major is just trying to trick em? I don’t think UH is that sophisticated currently.

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3rd QB is walk-on Ike Ogobogu, wrote this up about him in the spring:

QB Ike Ogobogu RS FR
Not sure where Ogobogu was last year, but he was a 2* Dual Threat QB recruit coming out of San Jose, CA two years ago. Didn’t have any offers.


He actually looked pretty good in the spring game (although it was against the 3’s and 4’s and beyond as he didn’t get in until late). He’s got a strong arm and can move when needed.

Anyone can get hurt at any position, that doesn’t mean everyone gets the same reps. That’s why you have starters and backups. Did Tune get equal reps as King just because? No, that’s not how it works.

I think 4 of those were easy drops from certain long haired players. 1 of those was an almost spectacular 1 handed catch by Stevenson I think. One was a 50/50 ball. I don’t remember what the other incompletions were.

Edit:quoted wrong person

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I looked at the stats and Tune has now appeared in 3 games. Memphis would be #4. If he goes beyond that, he loses a year of eligibility. So, if he starts and wins Memphis (big if) then he loses a year in the championship game.

Starting Dormandy and hoping he could do the job would help preserve Tune’s 4 years.

Tough decision

So being an ex coach why would Tune be #2? Had they not thought it out that far or is it not important? This is the biggest game of the year and if you win then next week is the biggest.

Yeah, considering he’s such a seasoned veteran, he should have had at least 90% completions.

Start dormancy, he is from Tenn. Besides, wasn’t he the one one who said “you may all go to memphis, I am going to houston.”
I know it was something like that.

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I’m sure they have considered every angle. Right now the thing to do is do whatever you think puts us in the best position to beat Memphis. If it’s Tune, then play him. If we win, then play him the next week. We will have more QB’s in the pipeline and I would rather win today than worry about who will play 4 years down the road.


Disregard, I guess I got bad info. Bryson is expected to play per JD.