“We are positioned differently from anybody else to help practitioners,” said Associate Professor Catherine Horn, co-director of the Education Research Center with Professor Anthony Rolle, chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. “I’m so happy for this University to again be recognized for its contribution to finding solutions on behalf of our state. It’s an indication that what we’re doing matters in a good way.”
Trib+Edu: This facility will be the third Education Research Center in the state. What’s the same and what’s different about what you’re doing?
Horn: As we join our colleagues, we’re really working with them to help provide critical research-based answers to policy questions. Each Education Research Center has a different internal focus with the specific research questions being asked. Ultimately, it’s a collaborative enterprise that becomes really helpful in the state and its ability to make sound decisions.
Higher Education Commissioner Raymund Paredes gave authorization for the Research Center in late January after UH passed a competitive approval process. The new Education Research Center will be housed in the College of Education and co-directed by Catherine Horn and Anthony Role. According to a recent report, UH will host the only center of this kind in the Gulf Coast region.