Student loans

Education shouldn’t be gate kept according to wealth.


The reason it is so expensive is govt loans. If those went away the states would have to fund the state colleges at a higher rate. Private schools would have to drop tuition

So you’re for making public colleges and universities tuition free?

That was just the first statute. The linked article explains it. I did my best for you…

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I don’t think it’s good policy, but I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. Really, at $10k per person under $125k/year income, it’s kind of hard for me to work up the energy to care one way or the other.

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The thing is, another root problem is that not everyone needs to go to college. There’s no draft to dodge. While rewatching Grease after ONJ passed, can you imagine the story set in today’s high school? No one could re-build Greased Lightening. lol, it would be tragic comedy.

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ok boomer

No not free

True, or change their own oil or tire

So you believe higher education should be gate kept in part according to wealth. Thanks for clarifying.

No some will have to go juco then to the local state school and work their way through like alot of working class people did on this thread.

That’s gatekeeping education according to wealth and doesn’t best serve society.

Loans aren’t going anywhere so nothing to worry about.

I do think we could clean some things up but everyone should have the opportunity to go to a university full time.

I am not going to argue this. I have my opinion and you have yours; neither will change our mind.

BS, thats the socialist in you speaking

Next he’s going to want to trade homes with you

I agree with everything you just said, and if, if, the government had forgiven all student loan debt, I would understand.

But the government just forgave $10,000 in debt. That is it.

Also, the government already has programs in place for teachers, doctors and other socially important professions that forgive student debt. My buddy who went to Pitt medical school works in rural upstate NY. The State of NY and the Federal Government forgave $90K of his medical school debt, tax-free, over 5 years, just because he served in a rural area lacking access to medical services. He makes as much as I do. Am I mad at him? No. Do I expect him to pay more taxes? No.

Clearly, the government and society have already decided what we value based on (i) what we pay certain people and (ii) how we treat their student debt. To me, all this proposal has done is say, hey, you guy or gal who majored in accounting, engineering, law, etc., we are going to give you a similar, but significantly smaller break of $10,000 off your student debt load. You will still owe a substantial sum (and likely have already paid most back, when interest is included).

This is why nobody believes in polls anymore.
Read the fine print on who was polled.
What cruteria was used?
How was the question(s) asked?
When you have one poll saying the exact opposite you know this poll is garbage.
Coming back to the actual question.
With the same mind set:
What about my home loan?
What about everybody else home loans?
What about everybody else car loans?

The soviet regime failed. Why did it?
Venezuela is a dumpster of one of the ruchest country. Why is that?

He’ll want me to make me buy him Lexus, because he drives a Yugo

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If a student gets into the University of Texas or University of Houston and they can’t attend because of cost and can’t take loans because you’ve eliminated them then they’ve been gate kept from attending the best public institutions in the state because of wealth. Simply because they’re not wealthy enough. And not being able to go to UT or UH has significant opportunity costs if they’re forced to go to a juco just because it’s affordable.

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