Student Tickets

Got an email, saying ‘wait until the NCAA release information, then we will send out student opportunities to attend the game’

If they can provide, with reasonable price, a path for students to go. You’ll bet people are going to go. Please provide travel by bus if they do this.

I heard Pez on Matt Thomas today saying that something is being set up to allow for a group of students to attend. I believe he intimated some alumnus has helped financially in that regard. But, I may have read something into his statement that wasn’t there.

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Gonna see if the Coogs of CV3 can hop on that bus. We’ve been to every game> No Trash Can Man? Bang those seats!

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Who did you get the email from? My friends and I were unsure if the university would make some of the tickets available to students.

^ The email came today but only said ‘wait until we hear from the NCAA’ type. We probably got the same email.

Pez said we have been allotted 1000 seats total, but are trying to get more. We have more than that wanting tickets.

Sources? Are these 1000 ALL for students, will the package include travel/student bus?

No, there’s a total of 1000 tickets for Houston period. But they are working on getting more. I don’t know how many are going for students.

Michigan losing. Check resale market now. Last school in close proximity!


I looked earlier… Tix started at a G.

20 for students, they can bring 1 person each ticket (another UH student).

Only 40 free tickets are being given away.

If they had like, a bus or something, they should do that again. Let more students go!

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Dang. Figured students would get 100 tickets at least

These are the ones supplied by UH/Gallery Furniture.