TDECU Stadium Renovations & Expansions

So 352 in O’Rourke Pavillion
475 in End Zone club
14 suites x 16 = 224 suite seats

Total of 1,051 premium seats.

The old end zone held 2,300 cheap seats.

So a loss of 1,250 seats, but a huge gain in revenue.


The 360 deg access with the bridge is huge.

We need more elevators to that level.

And air conditioned bathrooms! :man_dancing:


It’s all about the dead presidents.

Welcome to AAA minor leagues of the NFL.

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I believe that Apple Boy was a LAZY hire by the administration and was a loser in many ways.

Never liked the hire.


Monso being Monso.

what do you guys do in the bathroom that you need a/c? Take a dump at home before you come to the game.

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Man… one time i had to drop trout, as Sean Salsberry says

Uh, have to disagree here. If it’s a UH game I promise you there will be many, many times when you will need to “take a dump.” A/C just seems to make things “flow” a bit easier!

CDH didn’t have any problems taking a dump at TDECU.



Looks like they have started to assemble the scoreboard.


So, I take it Queenie O’Rourke is a huge fan/ alumni and donor to UH athletics?

i think she is kin (wife?) to the big time lawyer O’Rourke that has given a ton to UH Football and we are very grateful .
Go Coogs !

The big time lawyer who has donated so much to UH is John O’Quinn, RIP. Pamela O’Quinn is who you are referring to.


No. That’s John O"Quinn.

Queenie O’Rourke is not a housewife. She runs Icon Technology.

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*They own IKON which advertises quite a bit at UH events
He isn’t a lawyer
They have given frequently supporting UH athletics


Thank you Chiclets for the correct info.
Go Coogs !

Man it’s lookin good…


Nice post 3rdWard !
It looks like you will be able to see the Downtown skyline from the corner of the party deck. After sundown that would be a fantastic view. It would cause one to feel a strong connection with the City. I think a TPZ camera mounted on the Tron would look great projected on the screen for additional ambiance. The camera could also pan the campus for national pub.
I can’t wait for FB !
Go Coogs !