The Big American…

A name that is circulating.

Combines parts of Remnant 8, AAC, and MWC.

Various combinations. Could stretch from Orlando to San Diego.

And somehow it would be Power 5.

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Do tell more please

Has been mentioned by a Texas Tech writer. Also saw something a week ago somewhere else. I read a lot of stuff. Do not remember where.

Essentially The Big 12 changes it’s name, then expands.

The conference does not decide or become a Power conference because they say so. The cartel determines who is in and who is not.


They currently are already part of the cartel.

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The Big 12 votes to acquire 8 new members, effective 2025, then becomes a 16 team conference when UT and OU depart.

Do you expect the cartel to say “the utau pimp left and okie too but we love you so much that we will keep you as part of the cartel” I do not see that happening.


Haha… do you think the conference will carry, “a big iron on his hip?” :sunglasses: :crazy_face:


I’m pretty sure that name was started on this board weeks ago when OU and UT announced for the sec…it’s made it’s way around the internet and back here……


It was

It was, too late to copy trade mark, ?

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Big American or Conference USA… many good names possible.

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A Kansas City newspaper had a Q&A with some irate8 writers and asked them what they thought would be the most likely expansion scenerio, then they were asked what their personal expansion dream idea would be. One of the mentioned going to 16 with 4 pods from coast to coast .

Makes me wonder what the fascination is with the word “BIG”.

Perhaps we should consider alternatives, Super 16. Mega 16. Conference 16.

Any other ideas?

Supreme 16

In between 16


Lit 16

Powerball 16

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Leave the number off! Call it the “Great American Conference.”

I suggest the leftover eight expand in this manner, but realizing the divisions could be adjusted

East - West Virginia, UC, UCF, Memphis, Iowa St, and Kansas St.

Central - Baylor, TCU, TT, Okie St, Kansas, and Houston.

West - San Diego St, Fresno St, UNLV, Boise, BYU, and Colo St.