The Fix Was In

Kansas is a good team. They have a good QB and a good coach.

That being said, the conspiracy theorist in me feels really weird about today. Holding, Pass Interference, Personal Fouls, these calls were made on us in a very TIMELY manner. Like 3rd down when we are about to get off the field. Several of those flags were embarrassingly late too. Kansas had something like 3 penalties all day. We had a lot more.

ESPN college gameday this morning was gushing all over the Jayhawks. They want the Kansas-Duke 3-0 matchup. They said it point blank. They also said they’d never been to Lawrence for football college gameday. Now they can go there with their new best friends. They love the Buffalo coach and they probably want him poached for one of their precious underachieving blue bloods so gotta pump up Kansas.

Mmm hmm. I think you guys know where I’m going. I’ll stop there.

Did you watch LOS when we had ball? Or our eyes on DF when they did?

I am going to go out on a limb and say the UH offense and defense had more to do with the outcome than the officiating.


not unless you think Dana was in on it… we had an inhuman amount of penalties but i dont think that is why we lost, i think we still lose if we had few penalties …we legit couldnt stop them at all, and that had nothing to do with flags… we had a 6min drive despite down 3 scores in the 4th, that had nothing to do with the refs . penalties were alot but i dont think it defined the game

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What was up with the guy wearing the UH tshirt with the boom mic in the offense and defense huddles on the sideline? I just kept hoping that he actually worked for UH.


There is no fix on. We got our azz whipped. Don’t put the blame on others, it’s the team and the coaching staff.


We made it!!


Oh man, Gameday is going to Knoxville. This probably means Kansas was the better team and ESPN didn’t have it out for us. Oh well.

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Bhuh, please stop it, would you? They beat our butts. They beat our butts the last time we played them in Fort Worth. Accept that and let’s move on.

Anyone get confirmation that the UH left tackle was not on the LOS when that big play got called back in the first half? It was the same line judge that marked Tune down when Tune’s brain first thought " hey, you may want to slide after two more steps". I did not see him in the 2nd half. Do they switch sides at halftime?

I want to complain about the 2nd half PI called against UH but since the DL guy got busted for a late hit after the whistle, KU would have gotten the 1st down anyway.

None of these were the reason UH lost. Just wanted to see if these were discussed


Yelling at the wrong guy. He’s posting how OP’s take it’s so bad it made messaged board geniuses. And that post rightfully deserves it’s place on that Twitter.