Tilman Fertitta buys River Oaks District in Houston for $450M


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interesting but not suprised

…and he can’t put together a proposal to build one of these type of projects in the Third Ward?

Yes, it would initially be a vanity project but it would COMPLETELY revilutionize the University of Houston, a school ge desperately cares about.

Remember, when City Center was built it was on the fringes of the abandoned shopping district.

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Too high end for third ward. Zero chance the clientele they would need to be successful would shop there.


He could prob do something along the lines of what we’re thinking either on Scott or wheeler and he’d know if workable or not before doing it of course. Could possibly have a few bar/ restaurants just opened on high traffic weekend days like thurs thru sat .

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At one point or another it will happen. If Fertitta could do that this might be the greatest legacy that he leaves to U of H. That would 100% transform U of H. It wouldl be historical.

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It would be a Legacy project…similar to as when Cullen started a new Public University in the Third Ward.

Plus, the area is NOT devoid of a catchment area. There is a 50,000 student MAJOR University adjacent to it. Build something worthwhile and you can keep the students there (many with disposable spending cash from their parents) and attract nearby residents.

This is Un-Zoned Houston, NOTHING is perfect.
The Heights was a risk to gentrify.
MidTown was a risk to gentrify.
Washington Avenue was a risk to gentrify.
Plus, many other similar examples.

Look at those areas today!

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Why don’t you get a hold of him and ask him about doing something off of Scott street more of an scaled down approach but help clean up U of H and give students and visitors something to do

The man is a businessman.

You can’t expect him to mix is business activities with his philanthropic activities.

He has done plenty. Our problem is expanding the number of ultra-high level donors not to alienate the ones we have by asking more, more, more like Oliver Twist demanding porridge.

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To much politics in the 3rd ward.

That was my first thought about Tilman forever changing our campus and what is right next to it.
Here is something that we overlook. Tilman has given $10’s of M’s to U of H and…the city of Houston. He is not only living a legacy with U of H but also with the entire city of Houston.
I keep reading that politics always will stop it. That is the last attitude to take. Tilman and other mega donors are doers. He and some others know how politics work at the state level but also at the local level. We want more freshman and others living on campus? That is the only way to make this happen.

Retail follows rooftops

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I remember that place when it was a Ford dealership.

Not just rooftops - it’s what the roooftops are bringing home annually

What has come by I-45 with the Starbucks and other stores is a result of what the rooftops prefer