To the haters…

Too much logic for them Giena. This team has won 4 straight and they are still complaining. That’s where I’m at the point like what do you even want? What would make you happy? Because clearly winning doesn’t do it for em lol. Maybe they just won’t be happy until Dana is gone or something idk what it is. I have never seen some people so bitter over a 4 games winning streak.


Bro… a win is a win… and we actually showed improvement against a conference foe. We beat Tulsa worse than Grambling.


It’s frustrating for sure. I’m with you, I just don’t get it. If we had lost tonight, this board would have melted. It’s a positive! Isn’t that what everyone was complaining about… not winning? Now we have 4 in a row and it’s not good enough? Good grief


Hey I’ll happily be wrong about Danna. I was an early defender of his but lost hope recently. So I’ll very much be glad to have a reason to defend him again.

Seriously. If you still aren’t sold on Dana, Tune, or whatever after tonight that’s fine. But if you aren’t going to enjoy this win and want to crap on our players donning the scarlet and white for enjoying this win I don’t understand why you would even want to follow Cougar football.


So I gather that Vegas who favored Tulsa 4 to 5 points to win are “haters” also …

Where was this defense and offense in the Navy game AT HOME …

Either OhioSt and OkSt are not that good when they got a basic scare from Tulsa … OR … Tulsa never took us seriously or for granted …

Three positives … our defense came alive (actually starting in the second half of the Navy game) … McCaskill is running like a Bama RB now (Tulsa dropping eight back at the snap many times helped plus I suspect the canes were hungry for a feast of INTs which never came) …

SMU and Memphis are still on the horizon but if our defense gets saltier and our offense continues to surprise then we could well meet Cincy at the end … after all …

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You think too much of your opinion !


No one is complaining about the win. My issue is with players running to twitter and posters running to Coogfans to rub it in people’s faces. Yall started the argument, not us. This was a 1-4 team that played like crap. Beat Tulane, and us doubters will probably shut up. Until yall run to twitter and the board and call people out again and start arguments instead of enjoying the win. Just remember, the doubters didn’t intend to spend tonight defending ourselves. This one is on yall.


What’s happen it’s called low expectations. Fan’s are unsure if we truly turned a corner or not. It’s what 5 seasons of mediocrity does to fandom.


That’s my point! Nobody is saying you can’t complain, as fans that’s what we do. But why in the world are you complain 247 all day every day after a month of winning? We have literally matched our highest season win total under Dana in 5 games. This team has a legit shot to win 9-10 games. What is the point of being negative all the time when the team is doing what we want? No wonder the players laugh at this board.

All we heard all weak is how Tulsa is so much better than their record and played osu and Ohio State close. Beat Arkansas state pretty easy, and are going to be a really tuff matchup on the road. So much so that we were underdogs by basically every betting site. Even a lot of our own fans didn’t think we would win. Then we go to there house and beat them down and now the bar has moved to “oh they are trash we are supposed to blow them out, the players should be sticking there chest out celebrating this ”.


Who is y’all? I don’t go on Twitter and FB and call out haters. I’m just responding to negatively just like everyone else on this board. Trust me, I’m totally enjoying this win.


My point is that the negativity originated from one side, the OP in this thread for example. You are clearly agreeing with that side. Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing. I said before the game, I’d be surprised by a win tonight and impressed if we then win versus Tulane. That still stands. I continue to doubt, and that twitter post is exhibit A. But in this case, please recognize the negativity of the origin of the thread rather than the response.


So your issue is about players running to Twitter after destroying a team they were supposed to lose to? We beat them worse than Ohio State and Oklahoma state. Not sure what your issue is but you definitely have an issue


They are rubbing it in Vegas faces and all the betting sites that had us losing. The fact that you actually got offended by it and had a problem with it mean you were just one of the many doubters lol. Players can talk trash all they want after they win, especially when most people had them losing. Don’t get offended just because you were in that group


They have every right to respond like that. It just shows they are sick of it and I don’t blame them. Any athlete with an ounce of self-respect would feel that way.


Beat Tulane.


The defense has been playing well for the past 3 weeks. The offense has been struggling but imho really started to jell in the third quarter last week.

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All you are going to say is “Tulane is trash and we should beat them” if we do lol

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I recognize it. And I agree that the negativity is redundant. I also realize that a kid or young adult running to Twitter to boast about something specific is what they do. To you that’s immature. To him it’s a personal message on how he feels and the vibe he is getting from fans. He has a right to express his frustrations like all of us in this board, probably more so.


You have been dogging the team since I can’t remember when. Looks like you’re the type that can dish it out but can’t take it. I don’t give a rat’s rear end how much you have donated, we don’t need your sorry butt on this board looking for every excuse to run down our team. They are right to tell you to go pound sand.