Tom Herman said and did all the right things at Houston, but then Texas came calling

Tom Herman said and did all the right things at Houston, but then Texas came calling
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Time moves faster than ever in 2016. And the second that the small-minded Big 12 stiffed Houston and all the other pawns that desperately tried to pry their way into the Power Five’s holy gates - Oct.17 unofficially marked the end of Herman in red and white - there was no way in the world he was continuing the second-rate Coogs life for another year.

“Second rate” That really gets me going. This boy called our athletes, our students, University, and us second rate. So much I want to say, but I’ll keep working and do my best. My children will never go to either of these second rate institutions. Ivy league or Coogs!

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That’s how i feel as well. If my kid gets into an ivy league, or that level school, he’s going. If he doesn’t, he’s a Coog.

So the tu-backed media is supporting th. What a surprise?!!!

So lying directly to someone’s face is saying and doing the right thing?

Turns out there was no way in the world I was continuing the second-rate Comical subscription life any longer.

Enough with this non sense. th is a douche bag just like scumlin. His final conduct tells us everything we need to know about it.
I am getting really ticked off when I hear/read that th propulssed us to new heights. BS, Briles and scumlin did the same and then left us hanging. In this case I would not be surprised that some more bs will come out.
He is a great snake oil salesman. That he is a master of it. Yes, he even used that great skill to sell the kids that he loved/cherished our University and School. What a great teacher he is. How any of these kids can listen to a Coach coming through our doors now? I guarantee every single one of you that Levine had a lot more “patch up” to do after scumlin left. In this case it will be just as much. This is why it is critical that we find the Coach that has ties to us and wants to stay and succeed with us.
The only way that we get into a P5 is that we win year in and year out.
We have got to do everything that we can to look at every single U of H ex athlete involved in the local High Schools programs. Built OUR OWN network not one built by a 22 months drive by Coach.
I find it insulting that guys like Phillips or Klingler are not even involved in our program. If there was a time for them now that is it.
Herman, you wink while interviewed told us everything.
Take your Mensa membership and wipe it where the sun does not shine.
Here is Mensa for you. Go ahead and email your displeasure to:

Benefit of humanity? my…@#$@@

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