Tom Penders' continued commentary


Penders tweeted the following reference the potential B1G and PAC shutdown:

Basically, Penders believes that even in today’s climate, sports can still be played.

He says it’s no different than the scheduling and other adjustments that many New England teams had to make during the 1973-1974 gas rationing.

Or at least, that’s his theory anyway.

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Yes, TP, your team being cold during practice is exactly like exposing your players to a disease with lifelong health complications.

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Coach Penders,

I completely agree. Play on. We just wrapped 10 easy days in Junction Texas.


Bear Bryant


Covid can have lifelong health implications just like the flu can have lifelong health implications. I haven’t seen any data showing which is more likely to have lifelong health implications just hysteria that covid can have lifelong health implications but no context.


Um, yeah, I’m going to go with the experts and science rather than Dr. Penders.


There is no science to date with executing sports in a pandemic. They are making the science as they go with observations of the natural world through the execution of policies and procedures and they adjust and modify as they go to make their execution going forward better tomorrow than it was today.

The NBA is doing great with their COVID execution, so is the NHL, and MLB is doing much better after a few teams didn’t execute safe practices out of the gates. Golf is a 5-star, soccer executed well and so is NASCAR.

NFL camps are open and college football should execute also if they can keep the players away from the general student population. The biggest risk is the student population with so many not being able to do the smart things to prevent outbreaks.

“Basically, Penders believes that even in today’s climate, sports can still be played.”

Sports are being played, there is no “can still be played” about it.

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There has got to be some big teams with surprise openings in there schedule. If it has to be a roadie so be it, let’s go.

Which experts, the ones you agree with or Dr. Akerman – the renown heart specialist – who said there is no reason not to play based on the heart. The possible heart complications is what led the B1G’s decision. The SEC, AAC, and B12 also have medical experts that gave the green light.