Top 50 NET wins

9 Kansas
8 Arizona
7 Iowa State
7 Baylor
7 Purdue

Good God the Big 12 next year :eyes:

6 Yukon
6 San Diego State
6 Marquette
6 Colorado State
6 Wisconsin
6 North Carolina
5 Duke
5 Boise State
5 Utah
5 Northwestern
5 Tennessee
5 Bama
5 Texas Aggy
5 Butler
5 Clemson

So 20 other teams have 5+ high quality wins and we will have played a quarter of them by Saturday. Where’s the “they play nobody crowd?”


Crazy that there are people out there that say this even after we moved to the Big 12. Lol


Not only do we have the same Q1 record as Purdue (9-3)

We even have a Q1 record thats quite better than the other B12 elites (KU and Baylor is 6-4, Iowa State is 6-5) there

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Lost 3 Q1 wins just from yesterday’s gms.


All good… Our 1 seed to lose…

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Just sharing info Kyle. #1 seed in no danger at the moment.

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I just noticed this, and came here knowing someone would already have the explanation handy! Thanks


Doesn’t matter. We still have 3 Q1 games remaining so this will work itself out. SOS will keep going up and our metrics are top 3 come conference tourney time.

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Ah but we gained 4 Q2 wins! Lol


I just look at 24-3 Season. 11-3 BIG12- 1st place. Won 10 of last 11 … very impressive in that Conf.


Absolutely! The jump from the 9th ranked conference to #1 and sustain this kind of success is nearly unheard of.

Now, we still have a home game against an opponent who is going to be a double-digit dog, but we’ve not had a Temple or Kent St game this year at FC. Could happen Tuesday, but that is what impresses me the most. Our home games, we’ve absolutely handled our business.


But, if we’re ranked number 1 and just keep winning, will any of the “quad” stuff matter for our resume, at the end of the day?

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Barring a drastic change we are pretty much jostling with Purdue and UConn for the top 3 overall seeds


I get the advantages of loading up OOC but its wild that Alabama could lose 10 games and still have a chance at a 2 seed lol


There’s a world where it might factor in enough to move us from the South to the West regional but overall its importance at this point is pretty minimal. 2-2 down the stretch is probably good enough to garner us a 1 seed. 3-1 or better and we’re for sure a 1.

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I don’t see that happening. UH, UConn and Purdue are uniquely sorted to the regions we’re already slotted in. And whoever is the 4th number 1 seed has no hope right now in catching up to the 3-Pack and displacing one of us.

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I don’t see it happening because I think we’ll finish strong but if we lost 3 of the next 4 then who knows. Especially if UNC or Tennessee were to win out. Odds on both of those things happening are slim tho so probably a moot point.


As I understand it, yes.

The tournament selection committee doesn’t take poll rankings into account, but they do use the NCAA Net Rankings.