Traditional Universities in Power Conferences

Bailiff put together a couple of really crummy seasons toward the end. I think Bloomgren has them trending in the right direction, honestly, but turning Rice around is an absolutely monumental task.

My kid is so smart I had to donate money for a new library before, ah, I would let them go there.

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Traditional schools definately start with a setting of a University in a “College town”. When you are the only thing in town, the town becomes the university. As mentioned a big Greek population helps the traditional setting. Big city, no greek is tough.

Note: I went to UH/KSU football game this year and driving out to nowhere I am thinking who would go to school out here. THERE IS NOTHING! But the campus is nice in the town of Manhattan revolves around KSU, and it was actually quite a nice experience.

Something like the Marq-E near the campus would go a long way to creating a better on-campus experience.
Things like movie theater, comedy club, gym, restaurants/pizza place, coffee shop, dave and busters, etc

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Not really - not enough disposable income in the area or coming into it to do it when people rather go to greenway plaza or other places unfortunately

Why would college kids want to go to Greenway Plaza for an entertainment venue. Something like the Marq-E is geared towards the college age group.

If you go by disposable income, for the third ward, you might as well write if off permanently and remove this entire discussion. But two universities in walking distance should be able to keep an entertainment center functional.

If we really look towards changing and gentrifying the 3rd ward I honestly want to see it go where it’s slowly built. Employ the people within the area. Take care of them. Take care of them first. If the area is so ‘bad’, take care of them so they can break out of it. Get their kids degrees, them the opportunity to run their own businesses or get huge managerial experience. Get the residents of the 3rd ward better with whatever we do for UH.

I lived in the apartment off of Southmore and Scott. That was all I could afford, and I didn’t want to live an hour away (parents are well off, but if you want to live on campus you pay for it). It was an experience for me. But I saw a lot of people that worked at UH too. Some worked multiple shifts. Some sat outside when their leases were up and needed a place to stay for the night. I moved out after being robbed at gunpoint by a few teenagers. Took my phone, threw it on the ground, and shot it (surprisingly, not the first time I’ve been in proximity of gunshots lol). A few other residents that had kids threatened to move out as well. I was the only white guy in that apartment complex.

There’s a lot of land you can buy into and employ guys. Employ teenagers, educate them about UH’s Cougar Promise, or for those that want an HBCU, how special that can be. Make TxSoU what it was meant to be: the UT of HBCUs (but it being a UH can work too).

That’s my take on it. We can get all those businesses in there, but how great would it be to acknowledge that if gentrification is a thing, let’s send the residents on their way and take care of them instead of shafting them.


Whats the percentage of Tech students are from Lubbock as opposed to outside of Lubbock? Are we getting the picture here?


I think gentrification is inevitable in the 3rd Ward just like it will happen in Northside Village next, but helping kids in low income neighborhoods isn’t as easy as just handing them degrees lol

Low income / poverty stricken environments is much more complex than you realize. It’s systemic.

If I have to talk like a cajun and think like a cajun to love my state school ala LSU, I would much rather be a Texan supporting UH.

UH has surpassed Texas Tech in numerous rankings already.

That being said, Texas Tech seems to pull mostly from the DFW area and a small amount of Houstonians.

The problem with UH is that it’s difficult to entice non-Houstonians to attend here because of the name itself. The UH brand isn’t prestigious enough where it’s a nationally renowned university that it attracts outsiders. I hope we get there one day, but we have a long ways to go.


Sports success plays heavily into the national appeal.

Not many undergrads would seek alabama, if their football team was unknown.

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That’s true, but it’s Alabama’s geek life that attracts so many out of states

I hear you and generally agree with you.

However, I wonder if the move of the Technology College off site is due to the profile of the typical student in the College of Technology? Do they tend to have lower graduation rates (the six year rule) as opposed to say, Cullen and Bauer?

Maybe that is the driver behind all this.


I wasn’t aware that Alabama (either the university or the whole state) had so many geeks. :upside_down_face:

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i meant greek life lol my bad typo

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