Trap game?

It’s the annual trap game call out. Others have done it in the past. My turn this year. SMU sucks but they sucked when we lost at SMU in 2016 and we lost badly.

SMU has a lot of losses but those are to teams with a combined 31-9 record.

The next game (against Temple) we will be going against the toughest pass rush we will see all season.

Let’s hope Applewhite is better at keeping players focused than Vermin.


That 2016 game just had everything going wrong. Herman was looking for a new job. The Big 12 fiasco crushed us. I think there are enough players on this team that remember that embarrassment. I am sure Applewhite will remind them.


Good thing is that he probably won’t be in Austin getting wined and dined the week of the game.


Ugh, that 2016 game was brutal. Not only did it suck because of the b12 mess and Herman job hunting, but there was this guy yelling “coach, put me in!” all damn game. If the play on the field wasn’t frustrating enough. That was just a bad vibe all together. Hope Coogs atone for that this year!

Our friends from Paris (TX) met us in Dallas for that game. They’re Aggie fans but wanted to see UH in person. It wasn’t long before they were looking at me puzzled and all I said was, “they shouldn’t even let Herman back on the bus”.

I also apologized to an older couple who got screamed at by a UH fan when they cheered an SMU TD. We’ve been to Dallas for the last few games but not sure if we’ll make this one.

Not a trap game this year, we have revenge to dull out. SMU is only team left on the schedule who can compete for the West title. No way we look past SMU


Even admiral ackbar thinks it is a trap.


I don’t think we overlook the Ponies.

I was at that game and remember telling friends and family sitting around me “Herman won’t be here next year.” It was easy to see something had changed.

How will this team respond to being ranked? Especially being ranked 17, that’s pretty high in the AAC. There’s a bounty on our heads now.


Not to mention SMU is facing elimination on Saturday. We’ll get their absolute best shot.


is that actually true? lol

So true, we hadn’t look like that ever under Herman. Even the UCONN game we were in it to win it.

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Having been at the game, it was just weird, we were never in it and it appeared as if there was no desire to be in it. One of the oddest Coog games that I’ve ever witnessed.


Our trap game was UT Tech, we are winning out now!


We had a pretty respected poster post about it after it happened. Said he’d talked to his relative that was a UT booster and that Hermie and the wife had made a trip up there that week to meet a bunch of the boosters. Said it was basically a done deal when that happened.

I’ve heard from others that the South Carolina rumors were all true the year before. Story is that the loss to Citadel changed his mind, but it was actually Mack Brown telling him that they could probably force Strong out the following year and he’d be better off having another good year at UH rather than trying to fix that mess. Herman listened, and Mack was the hammer that got Strong pushed out at the end when LSU was about to hire Herman and the UT brass was waffling. We know the LSU negotiations are true since the LSU AD called Herman out on it…along with the eye twitch.


that’s amazing … and really sad imo

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It’s gonna happen as long as we are a G5. We are a stepping stone school, but a stepping stone school where any success here will get you a P5 job at an elite P5 school

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They are all trap games!

