Trey Holtz QB coach at UH?

Skip Holtz oldest son


Hmmm… Curious who he and cf bring in at QB!!!

Is this real ? My goodness ! The surprises on Cullen Blvd keep popping !
Go Coogs !

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So he’s been an offensive analyst since March, but might be getting promoted to QB coach?

Fritz knows what he’s doing.


I don’t know how coaches operate, but does this mean Willie already knows who his OC will be?

Wouldn’t the OC have a say in who his QB Coach is?

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This seems a bit strange. Trey is being retained and maybe promoted if I read this correctly. Since we do not have a OC at this moment doesn’t that seem premature ? Doesn’t the OC have input on this hire? What if they don’t Gee and Haw as they say in Texas? This makes me think CWF already knows who the CO is going to be and has talked to him about Trey Holtz . I know CWF is the Boss and can do what he wants .
Does any fellow Coogs have any ideas on this situation?

Ever occur to yall that we’ve had our OC picked for a while and CWF is waiting for him to finish that bowl game for Tulane…still could be Nagle.


Dammit, can this day get any worse?!? First Arceneaux and now this???


Another former UT QB in a coaching position at UH. Hopefully he’ll have more success than the last Horn we hired.